Mr. Claudio Ngoni Mtuwa


Claudio Mtuwa, the first male and second black optometrist in Zimbabwe is the current chairman of the department of optometry at Bindura University of Science Education. He trained for an Honours degree in Ophthalmic Optics (now Optometry) at Aston University in Birmingham UK, graduating in 1984. He is also a holder of a Diploma in Community Eye Health from the University of Cape Town (RSA) in 2011 and Masters in Clinical Optometry from Cardiff University (UK) 2017 with special registration (with the British College of Optometrists) as Low Vision practitioner. On his return he joined an already established optician group practice then known as Rivron Opticians (now Premier Optometry).  After a stint with Midlands Opticians in Gweru he started his own family practice, Opticare Opticians 1986 that has grown from one to 8 practices situated in the major towns and cities. He has held a number of positions, President of the Zimbabwe Opticians Association for 10 years (being instrumental in changing it to Zimbabwe Optometric Association), a board member of the Pharmacists Council of Zimbabwe (PCZ) (which regulates Optometry) for 10 years holding a position of Vice Chairman. At the same time, he was assigned by PCZ to the Health Professions Authority of Zimbabwe registration committee member. He is soon to enroll for a PHd in anticipation the supervisory role for Masters Programs.

Office: Optometry Clinic and Astra Campus Bindura
Phone: +263 772 682 401, +263 717 007 450
WhatsApp: +263 772 680 401

Community Engagement

  • The major highlights of 2020 are the establishment of the Optometry Clinic which is critical element of the program as it exposes students to real life clinical environment. This was officially opened by the President Dr E D Mnangagwa on 6th November 2020. The clinic is also supposed to be ser
  • Major outcome is a group of 12 part 4.1 students who are going to finish their studies this year and graduate next year 2022.
  • External partnerships include MOUs with University of the Cape Coast, and Optinova (a local Optometry group), technical collaborations with the University of Belgium and University of Namibia. The University of the Cape Coast has played a very significant role as a base of academic staff who have been involved as lecturers. Other collaborations are Optometry Group practices, Opticare Opticians and Premier Optometry the latter being involved in providing student scholarships.
  • One of key players in special support is Dr Finn (from the Netherlands) who mobilized equipment used for teaching and furnishing the Clinic. He has also helped and participated in community engagement (outreach vision screening program) with provision of free reading spectacles.