Dr David Makwerere – Executive Dean
Email: dmakwerere@buse.ac.zw,
Message from the Executive Dean
Welcome to the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at Bindura University of Science Education. As a Faculty, we pride ourselves in promoting inclusive, equitable, and transformative tuition in the humanities and social sciences. As a Faculty we endeavor to produce critical thinkers with an innovative and transformative skills set necessary for the transformation of local, continental, and international communities.
We are a vibrant Faculty comprising dynamic and enterprising staff and students alike. The Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities comprises five academic departments namely;
- Communication Science;
- Culture and Heritage Studies;
- Languages and Communication Skills;
- Peace and Governance; and
- Social Work.
Apart from the academic departments, the Faculty also hosts the Centre for Combating Human Trafficking (CCHT). The goal of the Centre is to help communities fight the scourge of human trafficking and all forms of modern day slavery. The Centre for Combating Human Trafficking at BUSE is currently working with more than eight hundred young women who have survived human trafficking. Further work we have done through a GNCA/Other ODA Research Award revealed compounded effects which point out that survivors of human trafficking have pressing needs that can be categorised as immediate and long term and that these needed to be holistically addressed if we are to fight human trafficking meaningfully. Part of the needs include building knowledge and awareness. The Centre has been involved in media campaigns to bring public awareness of the human trafficking problem in Zimbabwe and we have also been building capacity and raising knowledge and awareness among key stakeholders that include the parliamentarians, traditional leadership and students in tertiary institutions. Working with young women who are survivors of human trafficking has revealed stigma around reintegrating victims of human trafficking in families and communities. To many families a sexually abused young woman is an embarrassment to the family. This revelation positions human trafficking in Zimbabwe not only as a human rights and criminal justice issue but also a problem of sustainable development.
In our current work with survivors of human trafficking mainly young women we discovered that when survivors of human trafficking return from servitude they are faced with a lot of challenges. Victims of human trafficking frequently return home empty handed; hence they are negatively labelled, which often force them to hide from public view and also jolt them to want to try something new to escape societal rebuke. The Faculty is working tirelessly with like-minded stakeholders to address this and other societal ills.
Another flagship project of the Faculty is Abiyangu FM Radio Station, a campus radio meant to promote community and state building as well as social cohesion.
Having said this, let me emphasise that as a Faculty, we have a moral and mandatory obligation to bring the best out of our students and to uphold the interests of all our stakeholders and partners.
I thank you.
Undergraduate Degree Programmes on Offer in the Faculty
- Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Social Work (HBScSW)
- Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Peace and Governance (HBScPG)
- Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Culture and Heritage Studies (BSc.CHS)
Postgraduate Degree Programmes on Offer in the Faculty
- Master of Science Degree in International Relations (MScIR)
- Master of Science Degree in Peace And Governance (MScPG)
- Master of Philosophy Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy Degrees
Executive Dean, FSSH |
Acting Deputy Dean |
Senior Assistant Registrar |
Senior Secretary |
Mr L. Gorogodo |
Faculty Secretary |
Contact details
Physical Address:
Bindura University of Science Education
Faculty of Science Social Sciences and Humanities
Town Campus
Postal Address:
Bindura University of Science Education
Faculty of Science Social Sciences and Humanities
P. Bag 1020, Bindura
Email: socialscience@buse.ac.zw
Acting Executive Dean’s Email: dmakwerere@buse.ac.zw
Tel: Faculty Office +263 271 6427, +263 712 842 720
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
- About the Faculty
- Department of Social Work
- Department of Peace and Governance
- Department of Culture and Heritage Studies
- Department of Communication Science
- Department of Languages and Communication Skills
- Award Winners
- International Social Work Day Celebrations
- Client Service Charter
- Centre for Combating Human Trafficking (CHTCentre)