Master of Science Degree in Sports Management

Detailed Course/Module Synopsis

Part 1 Semester 1

The course introduces the students to sport and the management process focusing on the historical evolution of sport, the professional sport management environment, the structure of the sports industry. The Course exposes students to; Sport Events Management including; sport event bidding, the event planning process, event implementation, event evaluation, event marketing and sponsorship, event impacts and legacies; the Sports Facilities Management Process including-facility planning, site and design development, personnel issues, facility administration, emergency plans, marketing, developing revenue streams, and facility scheduling and operating; Sports Equipment Management including-procurement, inventory management, maintenance, adaptation and safety issues; The principles and procedures involved in the management of Individual athletes, sports teams, sports leagues, sports organizations and international sport, including the organization of Olympic sport. Students shall be exposed to the use of strategic analysis tools like gap analysis to compare the facilities, events, equipment, athletes, team league and sports federation management practices used in the Zimbabwean sports industry with the global best practices.

This course provides an extensive overview of financial management and economic issues in sport. The course covers such financial management topics as; budgeting and the preparation and analysis of financial statements for the purposes of planning, administering, reporting and evaluating the financial performance of sport-related entities including auditing. The course also examines general concepts, theories, and principles relating to financial management in sport organizations. Specific areas of emphasis include public funds management, tax, facility financing, valuation of professional franchises, the financial structure of sports entities including; contractually obligated income, subscriptions and affiliation fees, sponsorship revenue, broadcasting rights revenue, naming rights revenue, merchandise sale revenue, jersey rights revenue, stock market issues, athletes transfer fees, leases and lease negotiations and fundraising. The course also explores the general economic principles as they apply to the sports industry focusing on: Economic theory and sport; Industrial Organization of Sport (revenues and costs, monopoly, importance of leagues, price discrimination, game theory applications: television contracts, recruiting, doping, cooperative, competitive, and collusive behavior among participants); Public Finance and Sport; Labour economics of sport including player productivity and compensation; Nonprofit-Amateur Sport. Students shall be exposed to the use of strategic analysis tools like gap analysis to compare the financial management practices and economic adaptation procedures used by Zimbabwean sports entities with global best practices.

The course is designed to present a comprehensive examination of basic marketing principles, functions and concepts as applied to sport-related enterprises. The course reviews the principles of the marketing mix in the context of sport. Topics to be covered include; the dimensions of sports marketing, segmentation of the sports customer, sports marketing research, the nature and characteristics of the sports product, the role of pricing, promotion, place (distribution), packaging, people and physical evidence strategies in the management of sport, sports consumer behavior, marketing strategy, practical and theoretical issues relating to brand management in sport organizations. This course covers the principles of sports sponsorship and critically examines various sports sponsorship objectives, responsibilities, including planning, processing, sales strategizing, activating and evaluating procedures as well as; sponsorship risks like ambush marketing. Other important topics include ticketing, corporate social responsibility, merchandising, endorsement, naming rights and franchising. Students shall be exposed to the use of strategic analysis tools like gap analysis to compare the sports marketing practices used by Zimbabwean entities with the global best practices in sports marketing.

The course explores the application of corporate governance principles to the management of sports enterprises. The course covers such topics as; the role and nature of corporate governance, corporate governance mechanisms, corporate governance models, corporatization of sport, principles of good governance in sport, governance and ownership structures and the role of governance boards and stakeholder management in sport, regulation in sport, comparison of key governance factors between business corporation and sports organizations. In addition, this course examines the application of ethical issues in sport. Topics to be covered include; fair play, sportsmanship, olympism, ethics of competition, racial and gender equity in sport and the impact of ethical lapses in sport (doping, match fixing, corruption, deviant behavior by athletes and fans, and issues related to cheating in youth and student sport etc.).

Students shall be exposed to the use of strategic analysis tools like gap analysis and other relevant tools to compare the corporate governance practices in the Zimbabwean sports industry with the global best practices in sport corporate governance.

This course aims at equipping students with the skills needed to conduct research using a variety of research methods and techniques. Students shall also be exposed to publications in the area of sport management with a view to increase their capacity to critically evaluate published information. Areas to be covered include: Research Purpose (exploratory, explanatory and descriptive research); Research Philosophy (Ontology, Epistemology and Axiology); Research Paradigms (Positivism, Interpretivism, Pragmatism); Research Approach (deduction, induction, and abduction); Research Designs (Survey, Case Study, Experimental Research, Ethnography, Grounded Theory, Action Research, Appreciative Enquiry, Mixed Methods (Convergent Parallel, Exploratory Sequential, Explanatory Sequential, Imbedded. Transformative, Multiphase); Population and Sampling; Data Collecting Procedures (Questionnaires, Interviews, Focus Group Discussions, Free Thought Listing, Experimental Procedures, Observation); Data Analysis (Quantitative data analysis procedures using SPSS, Starter etc., and Qualitative Data Analysis using NVivo, Atlas TI etc.); Ethical Considerations; Research idea and problem formulation (research topic, statement of the problem, research question, objectives, Research Proposal writing); Literature Review; and Academic writing (use of academic writing, editing and antiplagiarism software, Dissertation and Manuscript writing, referencing styles).

Part 1 Semester 2

This course provides an extensive overview of legal principles and public policy issues in sport. The course gives an overview of what law is and covers key legal topics like, sources of law, classification of law, The legal system in Zimbabwe, introduction to the arms of government and their powers, stages of law making in parliament, the hierarchy of courts in Zimbabwe, composition and jurisdiction of Zimbabwean courts. The course also addresses the debate on whether sports law exists or not and covers different fields of law and legal issues, as they relate to sport at domestic and international level. Like; The legal regulation of drugs in sport, criminal violence in sport, civil liability in sport, sports-related contracts of employment, contractual relations in sports, the role of the agent in professional sports, labour law and professional sports, disciplinary proceedings, alternative dispute resolution in sports, the functioning of the Court of Arbitration in Sport and World Anti-Doping Agency, legal aspects of sports injuries, legal aspects of sports sponsorship and constitutional issues in sports.

The course also seeks develop a critical understanding of public policy and governance in relation to sport. It is intended to help students to understand the rationale for public policy, the processes that form it, the governance context in which it is created and implemented, and its implications for the delivery of sport and recreation. It also covers aspects of how sport can be used to promote national interest and economic development or poverty alleviation. Students shall be exposed to the use of strategic analysis tools like gap analysis to compare the application of legal principles, sports policy formulation procedures and use of sport as development and peace building tool in Zimbabwean sports industry with the global best practices.

This course reviews the main concepts, methods and tools used in formulating and implementing strategies in sports organizations. It also explores the various strategic management models focusing on their strengths, limitations and applicability. The course covers such areas as; strategic management models, strategic analysis in sports organizations, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, monitoring and evaluation, current trends and new challenges in strategic management and change management in sports organizations. The course covers entrepreneurial innovation and invention as aspects of strategic adaptability. Students shall be exposed to the use of strategic analysis tools like gap analysis to compare the strategic management practices in the Zimbabwean sports industry with the global best practices.

The course focuses on the management of capital in sports organizations. The topics to be covered include: human resources planning; recruitment; selection; induction; reward systems; performance appraisal; training and development; labour relations; labour laws; the Human Resource Management environment in sport including- Diversity and Work/Life Balance; the strategic role of Human Resource Management in sports organizations; Strategic approaches to organisational culture and employee relations in sport; the athlete-labour market, the role of athlete agents and athlete transfers, athlete labour unions and collective bargaining, talent identification and development in sport, Succession management in sport, managing sports volunteers. Students shall be exposed to the use of strategic analysis tools like gap analysis to compare the human capital management practices in the Zimbabwean sports industry with the global best practices.

This course examines the role of information technology in sports organizations. Students explore how sports entities make the most of information technology for communicating both internally and externally. The course covers such topics as; planning for information systems, developing management information systems; the management of information technology resources in sport entities; managerial decisions support systems, competition and events management information systems-including fixtures and draw generating software; sports performance analysis technologies financial information systems; marketing information systems, human resources information systems; office information systems. The course also covers the role of corporate communication and the mass and social media in the management of sport, as well as, commercial pressures in sports media, the importance of fantasy and video gaming, and the transformation of the in-venue experience through the digital media. Students shall be exposed to the use of strategic analysis tools like gap analysis to compare the Communication and Information Technology management practices in the Zimbabwean sports industry with the global best practices.

The course covers sport related entrepreneurial innovation and invention. The course covers such topics as factors affecting the development of sport entrepreneurship, Innovation and Invention in sport, entrepreneurship theories, business plan, financial, and planning issues associated with entrepreneurial and small business ventures. Students will develop their own entrepreneurial sports plan as an independent research project for this course. The course is designed to equip students with sport project management skills. Topics covered include project planning, project financing, project scope, time management, cost management, project control, human capital management, risk management, quality management, procurement management, communications management, professional responsibility, and legal aspects in projects.
Students shall be exposed to the use of strategic analysis tools like gap analysis to compare the project management practices used in the Zimbabwean sports industry with the global best practices.

Students produce a research report through a supervised process.

The Course is designed to give students supervised practical application of studied theory. It allows student to observe and document how sports management professionals perform their job responsibilities for a minimum of three months. Students will also participate to a limited extent in performing tasks under supervision by program Lecturers and on-site staff. Students shall produce a report, based on their observations at the end of the Practicum.