Bachelor of Science Honours in Sport Science and Management

Detailed Course Synopses

Part 1 Semester 1

The course explores the history of sport and the application of the four basic function of management (planning, leading, organizing and controlling) to the management of sports enterprises. The course also provides foundational knowledge on the nature, scope and value of sports science.

This course introduces students to motor learning theories and concepts, assessment, and development of motor skills in various settings. Topics to be covered include: Perspectives in Motor Behavior; Classification of Motor Skills; Stages of Skill Acquisition; Development of Fundamental Motor Skills; Structural and Functional Constraints to Motor Development; Interaction of Exercise Task and Structural Constraints.

This course is designed to introduce students to psychology and promote the development critical thinking skills. This course is organized into the following topics: Introducing Psychology; Brains, Bodies, and Behaviour; Sensing and Perceiving; Remembering and Judging; Intelligence and Language; States of Consciousness; Learning; • Emotions and Motivation; Personality Development, Psychological Disorders; Psychological Disorders; Role of Psychology in Society

This module is designed to introduce students to the fundaments of functional anatomy and physiology, particularly the skeletal, neural, muscular, metabolic, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The focus will be on the understanding of the biomechanics of movement and the physiological adjustments in response to the demands of sport and exercise. The relationships between structure and function of each system and the roles of homeostasis in physiological adaptation in the maintenance of health are also examined

This course covers the interplay between physical activity and health using a multi-disciplinary

approach. It explores the biophysical, environmental and socio-cultural antecedents of physical activity. Case studies on the influence physical activity has upon the health of various sections of the population will be explored alongside an understanding of various approaches designed to change physical activity behavior

This course presents a theoretical base for the teaching of sports and spot skills accompanied by practical applications. Managerial skills common to all caching activities are discussed. The course also prompts students to begin developing or refine a personal coaching philosophy, emphasizing ethics in coaching and proven effective coaching styles. A review of contemporary trends and issues in coaching is included

Part 1 Semester 2

This course involves the study of the principles, guidelines and recommendations for planning constructing, using, and maintain indoor and outdoor sports, physical education, recreation and fitness facilities. One will also have the opportunity to study the strategic, legal and operational aspects of major sports events. This will include the role of governing bodies and others in bidding for, planning and implementing such events and the social economic and cultural legacies they leave to the local and national communities.        

This course provided students with clear understanding of the principles of finance and accounting. The course covers such financial management topics as; Accounting Concepts and Principles, budgeting and the preparation and analysis of financial statements for the purposes of planning, administering, reporting and evaluating the financial performance of sport-related entities. It involves being able to review financial information, effectively manage funds, implement sound financial practices and understand the organisation’s financial position and obligation.

This course introduces students to the biochemistry of exercise focusing on changes in human metabolism such as chemical structures, enzyme regulation and chemical reactions in response to physical activity. Aspects to be introduced include; Biochemical concepts, Exercise Metabolism including; Carbohydrate Metabolism in Exercise, Lipid Metabolism in Exercise, Protein Metabolism in Exercise, Energy production and metabolic regulation in exercise, , Compounds of High Phosphoryl Transfer Potential, Effects of Exercise on Gene Expression and Mechanisms for muscle fatigue.

Part 2 Semester 2

This course examines important concepts of sports nutrition, including an overview of the

Biochemical pathways used in human metabolism and the role they play in exercise. Topics to be covered include the nutritional requirements during training and competition; role of nutrients before, during and after exercise; nutritional analysis software, and nutritional supplements ethics, effectiveness, safety

This course is intended to help students develop a better understanding of how sports is related to broader sociological processes in society. Topics to be covered include: History and meaning of Sociology of Sport; Social Values and Sports; Sports and the Life Cycle:-From Playground to Schools and Colleges Sport focusing on how it Contributes to Education; Deviance and Sports, Violence and Sport; Sport and Social Class; Gender and Sports; Race and Ethnicity and Sports; Sport and the mass media; Economics and Sport; Politics and Sport; Religion and Sport; the benefits of sport participation

This course provides an overview of legal principles and ethical issues in sport. The course gives an overview of what law is and covers key legal topics like, sources of law, classification of law, the legal system in Zimbabwe, introduction to the arms of government and their powers, stages of law making in parliament, the hierarchy of courts in Zimbabwe, composition and jurisdiction of Zimbabwean courts. The course also introduces the different fields of law and legal issues, as they relate to sport; contractual relations in sports, the role of the agent in professional sports, disciplinary proceedings, the functioning of the Court of Arbitration in Sport, legal aspects of sports injuries, legal aspects of sports sponsorship and constitutional issues in sports.

In addition, this course examines morality and ethical issues pertaining to sport. Topics to be covered include; fair play, sportsmanship, olympism, fan behaviour, performance-enhancing drugs, deviant behaviour in athletics, and issues related to  cheating in youth and student sport, the ethics of competition, fraud, bribery, betting and gambling, racial and gender equity in sport.

This course focuses on human body composition, importance of body composition   measurement, Body Composition Models, Methods of body composition assessment. The course covers the application of physiological principles and development of practical skills for fitness evaluation and exercise prescription. The course emphasizes pre-test screening and assessment and prescription fundamentals for cardiovascular fitness, muscular fitness, body composition, and flexibility. Issues related to special populations and peak performance will also be covered.

Within the module, students will be introduced to the process of practical performance analysis methods and the development of performance analysis system and the links between performance analysis and the coaching process.

 This course aims to provide students with the basic sports science knowledge and skills of running, jumping and throwing so as to execute and appreciate Track and Field events. Based on a systematic and hands-on approach to this course, the students will have an enjoyable time learning how to execute events such as long jump, hurdles, sprints, high jump, javelin and discus throw. This course includes the principles of training and five core bio-motor abilities so as to equip the students with the fundamental skills and knowledge to design his/her own training program. The application of principles of biomechanics, learning progressions, error detection/correction methods, and safety considerations in teaching track and field activities.

This course aims to provide students with the opportunity to understand the major aspects of kinematics, kinetics and other biomechanical techniques such as electromyography. The course covers the mechanics of movement, reviewing basic kinematics of motion, and their application to sport and exercise. Topics will include fundamental muscular-skeletal biomechanics, advanced biomechanical analysis, biomechanics of sports and biomechanics of injury.

This course is an overview of the role of public and media relations in the management of sport. This course covers skill sets and roles a media relations specialist must demonstrate in order to be successful. Emphasis will be on writing, communication, planning, and organizational skills. The course also exposes students to the role of public relations in sport, including public relations theories, tools and the role of branding as a public relations strategy.

In this course students will learn to develop research ideas and problems by formulating research questions and hypotheses, conduct extensive literature searches using a wide range of resources. Students will learn the different types of research designs, sampling procedures, data collection procedures, data analysis and presentation procedures (quantitative and qualitative). The course will introduce students to IT based sport performance analysis procedures for purposes of talent identification and development, player performance analysis and in game strategy development.

The course introduces students to basic marketing principles, functions and concepts as applied to sport-related enterprises. Topics to be covered include; the dimensions of sports marketing, segmentation of the sports customer, the nature and characteristics of the sports product, the role of pricing, promotion, place (distribution), packaging, people and physical evidence strategies in the management of sport, sports consumer behaviour, marketing strategy,  brand management in sport organizations. This course introduces the principles of sports sponsorship focusing on sponsorship objectives, implementation, evaluating procedures, sponsorship risks like ambush marketing. The course also covers topics include like, corporate social responsibility, merchandising, endorsement, naming rights and franchising. 

This course is a study of the psychological and sociological aspects of Sports. Emphasis will be given to the application of knowledge to the counselling of athletes coping with sports injuries and to the development of motivational strategies for rehabilitation and return to physical activity. It also examines the psychological factors that are most critical to elite sport performances. Special emphasis is focused on the physical, mental and emotional variables related to optimal performance.   

The course covers issues relating to the role of sport agents in the management and branding of individual athletes. It also exposes students to different governance and regulation requirements of sports organizations, in particular focusing on structure of local and international sports federations-including organization of Olympic sport. This course compares and contrasts how sports are perceived, organized, and played in many countries. It examines the social, political, and economic aspects of sports in other countries. Students will learn about major international sporting events.

This course aims to provide students with the basic sports science knowledge and skills in Aquatic sports events. Based on a systematic and hands-on approach to this course, the students will have an enjoyable time learning how to execute events such as Rowing, Swimming and Water Polo. Each component will include the history, rules, safety, fundamental skill acquisition, drills and mini-games and strategies for play.

This course aims to provide students with the basic sports science knowledge and skills in Court Sports events. Based on a systematic and hands-on approach to this course, the students will have an enjoyable time learning how to execute events such as, Basketball, Handball, Netball, Tennis, and Volleyball. For each unit content will include the history, rules, safety, fundamental skill acquisition, drills and mini-games, strategies for play, and officiating

This course aims to provide students with the basic sports science knowledge and skills in field Sports events. Based on a systematic and hands-on approach to this course, the students will have an enjoyable time learning how to execute events such as, Cricket, Football, Hockey and Rugby. For each unit content will include the following: history, rules, safety, fundamental skill acquisition, drills and mini-games, strategies for play, game play and officiating

This course aims to provide students with the basic sports science knowledge and skills in Indoor Sports events. Based on a systematic and hands-on approach to this course, the students will have an enjoyable time learning how to execute Chess and Table Tennis events with the course content focusing on: history, rules, safety, fundamental skill acquisition, drills and mini-games, strategies for play, game play and officiating

This course aims to provide students with the basic sports science knowledge and skills in Combat Sports events. Based on a systematic and hands-on approach to this course, the students will have an enjoyable time learning how to execute events such as Boxing, Judo and karate. Each component will include the history, rules, safety, fundamental skill acquisition, drills and mini-games and strategies for play

Part 3 Semester 1 & 2

Part 4 Semester 1

This course presents a theoretical base for the teaching of sports and sport skills, accompanied by practical applications, Managerial skills common to all activities are discussed. The course also prompts students to begin developing or to refine a personal coaching philosophy, emphasizing ethics in coaching and proven effective coaching styles. A review of contemporary trends and issues in coaching is included.

The course examines the e factors that limit performance in physical exercise, concentrating on the respiratory, cardiovascular and cellular mechanisms. Topics to be covered include possible mechanisms that lead to fatigue including peripheral and central factors and the reported actions of ergogenic aids in enhancing performance. 

The course explores the application of corporate governance principles to the management of sports enterprises. The course covers such topics as; the role and nature of corporate governance, corporate governance mechanisms, corporate governance models, corporatization of sport, principles of  good governance in sport, governance and ownership structures and  the role of governance boards and stakeholder management in sport, regulation in sport, comparison of key governance factors between business corporation and sports organizations. This course provides a critique and cases from negligence, criminal assault and manslaughter and uses a social legal lens to place injury, violence liability of individuals and   organisations in a boarder law and society context. It gives students an opportunity to study high profile cases, statutes and policies which inform the legal regulation of sport in an international context including models of sports business regulation contracts, freedom of movement, corporate governance and corruption.

This course covers the main concepts, methods and tools used in formulating and implementing strategies in sports organizations. The course covers such areas as; strategic management model, strategic analysis in sports organizations, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, monitoring and evaluation, current trends and new challenges in strategic management.                                                    

This course is guide to preventing responding and managing sports injuries. It is designed to enhance the student’s assessment techniques in the evaluation of athletics injuries and illnesses. This course considers the connections between structure and function with anatomy being the structure upon which biomechanical and physiological function is based. Particular emphasis is placed upon the development of a sound systematic and methodical evaluation technique to assess abnormal biomechanics (pathomechanics) and abnormal physiology (pathology). Such a technique is critical for making decisions on how to best manage and rehabilitate the injured or ill athlete.

This course will provide an in depth study of factors essential to the safe delivery of exercise programs and sport activities and events. It covers a range of safety issues, including; occupational health and safety standards, crowd control, transportation, lightning, heat illness, aquatics, playground safety, drug testing, medical emergency action plans, application of risk management concepts and principles in sports-specific settings and the role of insurance and loss control in sport. Students will be introduced to types of legal obligations and liability exposure inherent in sports and the tools used to minimize risks.

Part 4 Semester 2

The course covers the management of human resources in sports organizations. The topics to be covered include; human resources planning, recruitment, selection, induction, ,reward systems, performance appraisal, training and development, labour relations, labour laws, the athlete-labour market, the role of  athlete agents and athlete transfers, athlete labour unions and collective bargaining, talent identification and development in sport as a human resources management function and managing sports volunteers.

The course is designed to introduce students to the processes of identifying and developing sports talent. Topics to be covered include Talent Detection, Talent Identification, Talent Selection and Talent Development procedures and models. It also explores the factors affecting the success rate of Talent Identification and Development programmes and the Key Success Factors in High Performance Sport management.

The course seek to help students to appreciate the role of invention and innovation in the management of sports organizations. It seeks to equip students with practical entrepreneurial skills for application in their future personal and professional ventures. The course covers such topics as factors affecting the development of entrepreneurship, Innovation and Invention, entrepreneurship theories, business plan, financial, and planning issues associated with entrepreneurial and small business ventures. Students will develop their own entrepreneurial sports plan as an independent research project for this course.         

This course is designed to provide basic knowledge of adapted sport. It covers laws pertaining to the sport of individuals with disabilities, the role of federations responsible for managing sport for people with disabilities. The modification of sports rules, training procedures, facilities and equipment to suit the various needs of people with disabilities. Case studies of global best practices in adapted sport management. 

This course seeks to introduce students to the key elements of sports tourism. Topics to be covered include: the domains of sport and tourism; the confluence of sport and tourism; sport as tourist attraction; sports tourism models and theories; factors affecting the growth and development of sports tourism; sports tourism marketing; the benefits of sports tourism; Recreational sport terminology; different recreational sport settings; role of different recreational sport service providers, the administrative and operation function of recreation, the benefits of recreation.

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