1. Banda, R.G., Masuka, R. (2013). An analysis of the marginalized of women in conflict resolution initiatives in Zimbabwe: The case of the global political agreement. Special Issue with OSSREA Zimbabwe Chapter
2. Mushanyuri, B.E. (2013). The impact of corporate social responsibility on sustainable supply chains; A review of Literature. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences. 1 (10), 52-60.
3. Mudavanhu, N., Dzomba P., Mudehwe, L.D. (2013). Potential devastating domino effect: a case study of Msasa Industrial Area, Zimbabwe. American Chemical Science Journal 3(1), 50-64
4. Mahamadi, C., Chapeyama, R. (2013). Determination of cadmium, lead, nickel and zinc in micropterus salmoides and oreochromis niloticus by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after cloud point extraction. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry,
5. Mudavanhu, N., Dzomba, P., Mudavanhu, C., Mazorodze, S.(2013). Occupational safety and environmental risks scenario of small and medium enterprises (SMEs): An analysis of the situation in Harare chemical industries, Zimbabwe. American Chemical Science Journal, 3(2), 98- 110.
6. Mugumbate, J., Mushonga, J., (2013). Myths, perceptions, and incorrect knowledge surrounding epilepsy in rural Zimbabwe: A study of the villagers in Buhera district. Epilepsy and Behavior 27(1), 144-147
7. Masuka, T., Banda, R.G., (2013). Evidence-based social work practice: Zimbabwe seeks the way. Journal of School Social Work, 21-31
8. Chazuza, T., Mapira, N., Keche, E., Negwaiya, E,. Mlingwa, M., Mtembo, K., Mugogo, P.,Manomano, C. (2013). Attitudinal factors that affect employee retirement savings in cooking oil manufacturing companies in Zimbabwe. Journal of Research in International Business and Management, 3(2), 58-65
9. Mahamadi, C. (2013). Adsorption of Cr (111) and specification of chromium in aqueous solution using Ambrosia beetle-generated acacia polycantha frass. International Journal of Physical Sciences, 8(11), 406-410
10. Hove, N., Nzaro, R., Mhazo, S., Mudzura, M., Runyowa, L., Onian, Z., Denga, J.,Taruona, M., Muropa, B.C., (2013). An investigation on effective strategies to cut tax evasion: A survey of Beitbridge ZIMRA staff and clients, Zimbabwe. Elite Research Journal of Accounting and Business Management 1 (1), 1-9
11. Mugumbate, J., Nyanguru, A. (2013). Measuring the challenges of people with epilepsy in Harare, Zimbabwe. Neurology Asia 2013; 18(1), 29-33
12. Mahamadi, C., Zambara, P. (2013). High Cu removal from water using water hyacinth fixed on alginate. Environ Chem Lett, 1-7
13. Mapira, N., Katsuro, P., Chazuza, T., Mlingwa, M.M., Togarepi, M., Mutambatuwisi, F.,Nhimba, N.K., Umera, T., Machigere, T., (2013). Importance of establishing a job analysis exercise in an organization: A case study of bread manufacturing companies in Zimbabwe. Australian Journal of Business and Management Research. 2(11), 35-42
14. Mapira, N., Chazuza, T., Mlingwa, M.M., Taguma, T., Katsuro, P., Negwaiya, E.,Mugozhi, F,. Chimbindi, V., Mapira, B. (2013). The role of counseling changing employee behaviour: A case study of Bulawayo Premier Service Medical Aid Society (PSMAS) in Zimbabwe. Journal of Social Sciences, COES&RJ-JSS 2(2), 117-127
15. Negwaya, E., Chazuza, T., Mugogo, P., Mapira, N., Mlingwa, M., Shamu, R.B.(2013).An investigation of the factors influencing levels of staff engagement in a provincial, referral hospital: The case of Bindura Provincial Hospital. Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, (1), 25-34
16. Mhazo, S., Muchingami, L (2013). An analysis of the potential contribution of the productive sector to economic growth (GDP) and socio-economic welfare: A case study of Zimbabwe (1985-2012). International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 2(4), 1-12
17. Maushe, F., Nyoni, C,. Chigondo, E.E., Rangarirai, F. (2013. Prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) and social work response. ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 3(1), 75-83
18. Muchanyereyi, N., Chiripayi, L., Shasha, D., Mupa, M. (2013). Adsorption of phenol from aqueous solution using carbonized maize tassels. British Journal of Applied Science and Technology 3(3)649-661.
19. Dzomba, P., Shasha, D., Chayamiti, T., Murambasvina, G., Mudavanhu, N. (2013).Rationale behind the use of temnocalyx obovatus roots as antivenins against snakebites in primary health care. American Journal of Phytomedicine and clinical therapeutics, 98- 106
20. Mupa, M., Dzomba, P., Musekiwa, C., Muchineripi, R. (2013). Lead content of lichens in metropolitan Harare, Zimbabwe. Air quality and health risk implications. Greener Journal of Environmental Management and Public Safety, 2(2). 75-82.
21. Masuka, T. (2013). Poverty and child abuse in Zimbabwe: a social work perspective.South African Professional Society on the abuse of Children, 14(1), 82-88.
22. Lukwa, N., Makuwaza, A., Chiwade, T., Mutambu, S.L., Zimba, M., Munosiyei, P.(2013). Wash resistance and repellent properties of Africa University mosquito blankets against mosquitoes. Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research 45 (e5), 18-21
23. Mapira, N., Nyatanga, S., Jokonya, L.T., Fusire, E., Ndelema, A,. Majembwa, P.,Chikango, T.,Umera, T. (2013). Attitudes of employees towards the use of fiscalised electronic devices in calculating value added tax (VAT). A case study of motor industry in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 2(4), 24-30
24. Mandoga, E., Zenda, T., (2013). Adapting to social change through reengineering the teacher training programme. International Journal of Sciences, 37-43
25. Mugumbate, J., Chigondo, E. (2013) Social work practice by Christian churches in Zimbabwe: How churches in Harare and Bindura towns are tackling social challenges. International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences. 2 (5), 99-110
26. Chigondo, E., Mugumbate. J (2013). Nipping social challenges in the bud: The need for social workers in Zimbabwe’s schools. International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences. 2 (5),191-198
27. Mukucha P. (2013). The mediation effects of perceived service quality on the relationship between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction. Journal of Studies in Accounts and Economics 1(3), 9-16
28. Chingarande, A., Mzumara, M.(2013). Is South Africa really a giant of sub-Saharan Africa in International Trade? Greener Journal of Business and Management Studies, 3(4), 158-163.
29. Munyati, V.T, Mataruse, E., Manyumwa, D., Mafuse, N., Chagwiza, G., Musara, J., Chimvuramahwe, J., (2013). An analysis of the factors influencing the smallholder communal cotton farmers’ decision to adopt contract farming. A case of Zaka District. 2 Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences 2 (6), 131-134.
30. Chayamiti, T., Mwenje, E., Mahamadi, C (2013. Spectrophotometric study of the anti-caseinolytic activity of root extracts of teclea nobilis and vepris zambesiaca on bitis arietans venom. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 7 (21), 1420- 1425.
31. Manatsa, D., Morioka, Y,. Behera, S.K., Matarira, C.G., Yamagata, T. (2013). Impact of Mascarene high variability on the East African ‘short rains’. Climate Dynamics, DOl 10.1007/S00382-013- 1848-Z
32. Ungani, L.S., Troni, J., Manatsa, D., Mukarakate, D. (2013) Tailoring seasonal climate forecasts for climate risk management in rainfed farming systems of southeast Zimbabwe. Climate and Development, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17565529.2013.801823
33. Mudavanhu, N., Mudavanhu, C., Dzomba, P., Kausiyo, F,. Mushore, T.D., Chinyanganya, T.P. (2013). Development of a model regional emergency response plan for a mining town: The case of Bindura, Zimbabwe. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 4 (6), 25-32
34. Chazuza, T., Tembo, J., Negwaiya, E., Mapira, N (2013). An assessment of the impact of organization design on the development of learning organizations in Zimbabwe’s retail industry. A case study of Bindura’s Major Retail shops. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 2(6), 23-31
35. Chari, F., Mushanyuri, B.E, Chingarande, A., Karambakuwa, R. (2013). Purchasing practice in Zimbabwean State Universities. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 1 (12), 141- 147.
36. Kanda A,. Gotosa, J., Chagwiza, G.(2013). Performance of biosand filters in treating source water in post emergency: A case of two rural districts of northern Zimbabwe. Ozean Journal of Applied Sciences 6(1). 31-38
37. Dudu, V.P., Mapfire, L,. Masamha, B., Kanda, A., Nemadire, S. (2013). Characterisation of particulate matter from power plant stack emissions in southern Zimbabwe. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, doi:10.4236/acs.2013.33033
38. Dudu., V.P, Masamha, B., Mapfaire, L., Muchingura, B., Chivuraise, G.(2013). Onsite bioremediation using bio gel on petroleum hydrocarbons contaminated soil in Zimbabwe. Environmental Management and Sustainable Development 2(1), 143-153.
39. Manatsa, D., Behera, K. (2013). On the epochal strengthening in the relationship between rainfall of East Africa and IOD. American Meteorological Society, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLD-D-12-00568.1
40. Mudyiwa, S.M., Gadzirayi, C.T., Mupangwa, J.F., Gotosa, J., Nyamugure, T. (2013).Constraints and opportunities for cultivation of Moringa oleifera in the Zimbabwean smallholder growers. Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. and Tech. 3(1), 12-19
41. Mzumara M. (2013). Does Zambia possess comparative advantage and competiveness only in copper and cobalt? Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business Research, 2(5), 164-169
42. Mzumara, M., Chingarande, A., Karambakuwa, R. (2013). An analysis of the revealed comparative advantage in southern African development community member state. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 15 (4), 1-15
43. Muvindi, I., Zuvalinyenga D. (2013). Educational implications of the deficit/deprivation hypothesis in L2 situations: A case of Zimbabwe. International Journal of English and Literature 4(6), 283-287.
44. Muvindi, I. (2013). Exhausting the poet: a study of Chenjerai Hove’s poetry across historical periods. International Journal of English and Literature 4 (5), 203-209.
45. Mugumbate, J., Maushe, F., Nyoni, C. (2013). Ruralisation of urban areas: Reversing development in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, 2 (7), 13-30
46. Mugumbate, J., Nyoni, C. (2013). Free but expensive: An assessment of health care facilities in remote rural and farming communities. International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, 2 (7), 31-43
47. Chingarande, A., Mzumara, M., Karambakuwa, R. (2013). Comparative Advantage and Economic Performance of East African Community (EAC) Member States. Journal of Economics, 4(1), 39-46.
48. Chingondo, F., Nyamunda,B.C., Sithole, S.C., Gwatidzo, L. (2013). Removal of lead (ll) and copper (ll) ions from aqueous solution by baobab (Adonsia digitata) fruit shells biomass. Journal of Applied Chemistry, 5(1), 43-50
49. Dzomba, P., Togarepi, E, Mupa, M. (2013). Anthocyanin content and antioxidant activities of common bean species (Phaseolus vulgaris L) grown in Mashonaland Central, Zimbabwe. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 8(25), 3330-3333
50. Chazuza, T., Negwaiya, E., Mapira, N. (2013). Strategies being used by organizations to retain critical staff: A case study of Powertel Communications (Private) Limited. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 2(7), 29-44
51. Dzomba, P, Ngoroyemoto, N., Musarurwa, R (2013). Antioxidant Capacity and Microbial Attributes of raw cow milk fortified with hypotrigona squamuligera honey. Global Journal of Medical Research Microbiological and Pathology 13(3), 8-12
52. Zuvalinyenga D. (2013). An exploration of data-assisted or data-driven role-plays and simulation and the ways in which these advances in second language learning may be exploited in Zimbabwe either at school/university level or both. Greener Journal of Educational Research, 3(5), 217-225
53. Mahamadi, C., Madocha, B. (2013). Adsorptive removal of Ni(ll) from water using alginate-fixed water hyacinth: Effect of organic substances. American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 4, 373-378
54. Chari, F., Muchanyuri, B., Mzumara, M. (2013). Comparative Advantage of Ethiopia and the Role of International Purchasing. Greener Journal of Economics and Accountancy, 2(2), 51-57.
55. Masanganise, J., Chipindu, B., Mhizha, T., Mashonjowa, E. (2013). Model prediction of maize yield responses to climate change in north-eastern Zimbabwe. African Crop Science Journal, 20 (s2), 505-515.
56. Masanganise, J., Chipindu, B., Mhizha, T., Mashonjowa, E., Basira, K.(2013). An evaluation of the performances of Global Climate Models (GCM s) for predicting temperature and rainfall in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 3(8), 1-11.
57. Muchuweni, E., Nyakotyo, H., Ndlovu, S., Magama, M.T, Mapfaire, L. (2013). A water quality assessment prior to the disposal of domestic sewage and industrial effluents at a Kwekwe based effluent treatment plant, Zimbabwe, Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 15( 3)1-11,
58. Zengeya, Makuku, V., Sunzuma, G., Zengeya, A, Bhukuvhani, C.E.(2013). The quality of teaching practice supervision and assessment of science student teachers at the Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE). Journal of Education, 3(1), 48- 53.
59. Zengeya Makuku, V., Kushure L., Zengeya, A., Bhukuvhani, C.E. (2013). Secondary school teachers’conceptions of indigenous knowledge: A basis for its inclusion into the curriculum. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 2(8), 446- 452.
60. Zengeya Makuku, V, Matswetu, V., Munakandafa, W. (2013). The impact of selected instructional factors on the quantity and quality of computer skills acquisition and use by university students. International Journal of Sciences, 2(Mar 2013), 42-52.
61. Tibugari, H., Musendo, F.A., Mhungu, S., Mandumbu, R., Mutsengi, K. (2013). The fruit fly scourge: has Zimbabwe been spared? Archives of Phytopathology and plant protection. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03235408.2013.823321 , 1-9
62. Zuvalinyenga, D, Muvindi, I (2013). An expose of how the themes of violence, victimization and brutality preoccupy the short stories in the collection: We killed Mangy Dog and other Mozambique Stories. International Journal of English and Literature, 4(7), 327-336
63. Zuvalinyenga D. (2013). Other forms of conquest: A discussion of Houseboy, Mission to Kala and Waiting for the Rain. Greener Journal of Art and Humanities 3(2).30-40
64. Mzumara, M., Chingarande, A., Karambakuwa, R.(2013). Intra-sectoral competitiveness of Angola. Greener Journal of Economics and Accountancy, 2(3), 74-82
65. Mzumara, M., Karambakuwa, R., Chingarande, A. (2013). Intra-Sectorial Export supply capability of Burundi. Greener Journal of Economics and Accountancy, 2(3), 83-91
66. Mzumara, M., Karambakuwa, R., Chingarande, A. (2013). Malawi’s Intra-Industry competitive advantage. Greener Journal of Economics and Accountancy, 2(3), 92-100
67. Muvindi, I. (2013).Constructive Analysis between English and Shona and Its Implications: the Teaching of English as a Second Language in Zimbabwe. International Journal of English and Education,ISSN:2278-4012, 2(4), 84-89
68. Mpofu, V., Femi S.,Outlaja ,Emmanuel., Mushayikwa. (2013).Towards culturally relevant classroom science: a theoretical framework focusing on traditional plant healing. Cultural Studies of Science Education ISSN 1871:1871-1502,8(3)
69. Dzomba, P., Gwizangwe, I. (2013).TLC, Separation, Antibacterial and Anti-Inflammatory activity of extracts derived from Zanthoxylum Humile roots. International Journal of research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy,4(4),2229-3566
70. Mugumbate, J.,Nyanguru ,A.(2013).Exploring African Philosophy: The value of Ubuntu in Social Work. African Journal of Social Work,(3),1 83-99
71. Basira, K., Matarise, F., Magodora, M., Mafodya, J. (2013). Application of Kalman Filter in Long Memory Model Estimation. International Journal of Statistics and Analysis, 3(2), 135-158
72. Sunzuma G, M Zezekwa, N., Bhukuvhani, C., Chinyoka, M. (2013). The relationship between undergraduate science education students achievement in statistics and their prior secondary school mathematics achievements. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2(8), 316-319.
73. Sunzuma, G., Zezekwa, N., Zinyeka, G., Chinyoka, M. (2013). Incorporating religious mathematics in the teaching and learning of formal geometry: A case of the Apostolic Church Sector in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research 9 (1), 18-23
74. Kanda, A., Masamha, B., Gotosa, J, Misi, S.N (2013). Application of stabilization pond effluent quality parameters in assessing treatment efficiency, disposal safety and irrigation suitability. Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences, 5(9), 525- 528.
75. Nyamadzawo, G., Gwenzi, W., Kanda, A., Kundhlande. A., Masona, C. (2013). Understanding the causes, socio-economic and environmental impacts, and management of veld fires in tropical Zimbabwe. Fire Science Review: A Springer Open Journal, 2-13
76. Nyamadzawo, G., Wuta, M,. Chirinda., N., Mujuru, L., Smith, J.L (2013). Greenhouse gas emissions from intermittently flooded (Dambo) rice under different tillage practices in Chiota smallholder farming area of Zimbabwe. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 13- 20.
77. Nyamadzawo, G., Wuta, M,. Nyamangara, J., Gumbo, D.(2013). Opportunities for optimization of in-field water harvesting to cope with changing climate in semi- arid smallholder farming areas of Zimbabwe. Springer Plus: a Springer Open Journal, 2-9
78. Wuta, M., Rees, R.M., Furley, P.A, Nyamadzawo, G (2013). Litter decomposition and nutrient release in Miombo Savanna Woodlands of Central Zimbabwe. Nova Science Publishers, 2-17
79. Sunzuma, G., Masocha, M., Zezekwa, N.(2013). Secondary school students’ attitudes towards their learning of geometry: A survey of Bindura Urban Secondary Schools. Greener Journal of Educational Research, 3(8), 402-410.
80. Zezekwa, N., Sunzuma, G.(2013). Tell me a story: Relevance, science pedagogy and the teaching profession. International Journal of Development Research, 3(9), 9-12
81. Chingarande, A., Mzumara, M., Karambakuwa, R. (2013). An investigation of sectoral comparative advantage of Botswana. Greener Journal of Economics and Accountancy, 2(4), 101-111
82. Karambakuwa,R.,Mzumara,M.(2013).The Revealed Comparative Advantage of Swaziland. Greener Journal of Economics and Accountancy,.2 (2), 068-073
83. Mushanyuri, B.E., Mzumara.(2013)An Assessment of Comparative Advantage of Mauritius. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 2(3),35-42
84. Muvindi, I.(2013). Self Slaughter. International Journal of English and Education, 2(4), 1-4
85. Chipaike, R. (2013). The Zimbabwe government of national unity as a conflict transformation mechanism: A critical review. SPRJv2.1, 17-34
86. Mhandara, L., Chipaike, R.(2013). Chinese investment in Africa, Opportunities and Challenges for Peace and Security in Zimbabwe. Institute for Peace and Security Studies and Institute of African Studies, 211-226
87. Chipaike, R., Mhandara, L.(2013). Evading punishment: An analysis of Zimbabwe –China Relations in an age of Sanctions. Institute for Peace and Security Studies and Institute of African Studies,150-162
88. Mzumara, M., Nyasulu, B.M, Mzumara, M., Kaunda, E. (2013). Comparative advantage in the Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU). European Journal of Business and Economics, 8(2), 31- 35.
89. Mzumara, M., Chingarande, A., Karambakuwa, R.(2013). Trade liberalization: Is it a useful program for agricultural and manufacturing sectors in developing countries? Greener Journal of World Peace, Security and Development, 1(1), 12-17.
90. Mudavanhu, C., Mandizvidza, C(2013). Sustaining Rural livelihoods through donor funded agricultural inputs scheme in Zimbabwe: The case of Goromonzi District. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 2(8).
91. Mudavanhu, C., Zinyandu, T., Mudavanhu, N., Mazorodze, S., Chinyanganya, T.P, Manyani, A.,Maponga, R., Pedzisai, E., Phiri, S. (2013). Smallholder gardening as a sustainable livelihood strategy in Chikwanda communal lands, Gutu, Zimbabwe. Global Advanced Research Journal of Peace, Gender and Development Studies, 2(1), 1-13.
92. Mudavanhu, C., Chitsika, T. (2013). Coping with and adapting to food shortages and adversities in semi arid regions of Zimbabwe: The case of Chivi District. European Journal of Developing Country Studies, 15.
93. Mugumbate, J., Nyanguru, A. (2013). Exploring African philosophy: The value of Ubuntu in Social Work. African Journal of Social Work, 3(1)83-100
94. Nzaro, R., Njanike, K., Jaravani, E. (2013). The impact of regulation policy on product and service delivery of micro-financial institutions: A case of Zimbabwe. Global Advanced Research Journal of Management and Business Studies, 2(9), 429-438
95. Mandoga, E., Matwetu, V., Mhishi, M. (2013). Challenges and Opportunities in harnessing computer technology for teaching and learning: A case of five schools in Makoni East District. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 3(1), 105- 112.
96. Mpofu, V (2013). Towards cultural relevant classroom science: a theoretical framework focusing on traditional plant healing. Cultural Studies of Science Education ISSN 1871- 1502. DOL 10.1007/S11422-013-9508-5
97. Bhukuvhani, C.(2013). Introductory Computing. Lambert Academic Publishing.
98. Bhukuvhani, C., Sana, A., Tigere, A. (2013). Self-built experimental projects (SBEP):Curriculum engineering for science practical work in open and distance learning environment. International Journal of Curriculum Development and Planning 2(5). 1- 10
99. Bhukuvhani, C., Tigere, A., Sana, A., Mhishi, M., Sunzuma, G., Mupa, P. (2013). Science and technology education curriculum reforms for the nanoscience and nanotechnology (NST) revolution. Journal of Education, 3 (1), 44-47.
100. Mushanyuri, B., Mzumara, M (2013). An investigation of sectoral competitive advantage of Uganda: A possible procurement source? International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 2(10), 45-53
101. Magodora, M., Basira, K., Sibanda. (2013). Double diffusive heat and mass transfer over a vertical plate in the presence of wall suction and chemical reaction. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 3(11), 1-9
102. Musekiwa, A., Chiguvi, D., Hogo, H. (2013). Customer based retail brand equity (RBE)dimensions effect on retail brand equity for OK Supermarket in Bindura. International Journal of Business and Management 8(19), 45-54.
103. Nyengerai, S., Jaravaza, D., Mukucha, P., Chirimubwe, R., Manjoro, E.(2013).Determinants of perception towards private label brands in Zimbabwe: The role of familiarity, store image, demographic factors and consumer characteristics. Greener Journal of Business and Management Studies. 3(5), 224-230
104. Nyengerai, S., Mzumara,M., Jaravaza, D.(2013). International marketing and comparative advantage: An assessment of Angola’s Export portfolio. Greener Journal of Economics and Accountancy, 2(2), 44-50.
105. Jaravaza, D.C, Mzumara, M., Nyengerai, S. (2013). Comparative advantage and export development: The case of Egypt. Greener Journal of Business and Management Studies, 3 (4), 168-173.
106. Jaravaza, D.C., Mbhungu, I., Nyengerai, S. (2013). Student’s perspective on factors influencing academic performance in introductory accounting courses at universities in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 2(6), 286- 293
107. Nyengerai, S.(2013). Store image and private label brands in Zimbabwe: Relationship with general perception, perceived risk and quality. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 3(5), 752-759.
108. Jaravaza, D.C., Mzumara, M. (2013). Rwanda: What drives the nation in international trade? International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 2(6), 32- 38.
109. Jaravaza, D.C. (2013). Traditional Contraceptives and Indigenous knowledge systems in Mutasa District of Manicaland Province, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2(2), 29-35.
110. Kanda, A., Masamha, B., Gotosa, J., Makawu, A., Mateyo, C.(2013). Options for household water treatment, safe storage and on-site sanitation in diarrhea-prone rural communities of Bindura district, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 2(2), 1-13
111. Mapuwei, T.W., Masamha, B., Mukavhi, L. (2013). Forecasting and Simulation on Modelling, Decision Support tools for ambulance emergency preparedness. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 2(3), 126-138
112. Ndumiyana, D., Sakala, L.C. (2013). Hidden Markov Models and Artificial Neural networks for spam detection. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology.2(4), 2069-2084
113. Ndumiyana, D., Magomelo, M., Sakala, L. (2013). Spam detection using a neural network classier. Journal of Physical and Environmental Research, 2(2), 28-37.
114. Mavhemwa, P.M., Chaka, P., Magomelo, M., Chikwiriro, H.(2013). Effectiveness of an integrated m-health platform for Malaria control. A case study of Bindura, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 1(3).
115. Chikwiriro, H., Mavhemwa, P.M., Chaka, P., Magomelo, M.(2013). Use of artificial intelligence in highly adaptive examination e-revision systems. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 2(3).
116. Muzurura, O.(2013). Use of a game in teaching early childhood learners in Zimbabwe.International Journal of Computer and Information Technology, 2(2)
117. Mavhemwa, P.M., Muzurura, O., Magomelo, M.(2013). Implementation of mobile based social and collaborative learning in improving the level of performance of students using web 2.0 tools. A case of Bindura University of Science Education. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 2(8).
118. Chaka, P., Rupere, T., Mavhemwa, P.M. (2013). An evaluation of use of ontologies in web assessment systems. Journal of Physical and Environmental Science Research, 2(1), 7-19
119. Mavhemwa, P.M., Muzurura, O. (2013). Evaluating the effectiveness of m-health based diabetes self management and community based networking. International Journal of Emerging Trends and Technology in Computer Science, 2(4)
120. Mukabeta, T., Tunjere, N., Magomelo, M.(2013). Use of mobile phones to encourage cooperative learning in an Introduction to Computers courses at Bindura University: A critical discourse analysis perspective. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 2(3).
121. Hernandez, A,A., Potekhin, B.A., Ilyushin, V.V., Khristolyubov, A.S., Zhilyakov, A.Yu.(2013). Creation of composite bronze- maraging steel alloy. Metal Science and Heat Treatment, 55(5), 232-236.
122. Chagwiza, C.J., Mutambara, L.H.N., Tatira, B., Nyaumwe, L. (2013). An Analysis of Attitudes and Mathematics achievement of ‘O’ Level pupils: Insight from some Bindura urban secondary schools. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2(2), 223-235.
123. Nyikahadzoyi, M.R., Mapuwei, T., Chinyoka, M (2013). Some cognitive obstacles faced by ‘A’ Level mathematics students in understanding inequalities. A case study of Bindura urban high schools. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2(2),
124. Shonhiwa, C (2013). An assessment of biomass residue sustainably available for thermochemical conversation to energy in Zimbabwe. Biomass and Bioenergy 52, 131- 138
125. Masinire, R. (2013). Corporate Law and Practice in Zimbabwe. Institute of Chartered Secretaries Admissions.
126. Ngwende, O.F. (2013). An overview of contract farming: Legal Issues and challenges.ISBN9780702166686, 39-168
127. Hove, N. (2013). Investigation into the significance of accountancy to agro and agricultural industry SMEs: survey of Bindura Agro and Agric SMEs. Elite Research Journal 1(2), 29-46
128. Hove, N. (2013). An investigation on guests uptake and retention strategies: survey of Bindura urban and peri urban hotel and catering organizations. Elite Research Journal, Masinireol, 2, 10-28
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