1. Bhukuvhani, C.E., Chiparausha, B., Zuvalinyenga, D. (2012). Effects of electronic information resources skills training for lecturers on pedagogical practices and research productivity. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology, 8(1), 16-28.
2. Bhukuvhani, C.E., Mupa, M., Mhishi, M., Dziva, D. (2012). Science practical work instructional technologies and open distance learning in science teacher training a case study in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Education and Development using information and Communication Technology, 8(2), 17-27.
3. Bhukuvhani C, Munakandafa W, Tigere A, Munodawafa V, Zengeya A, Mupa M (2012). Addressing teaching practice quality assurance issues in open and distance learning science teacher training: A case study in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Social Science Tomorrow 1(8)
4. Chingarande, A., Machiva, B., Karambakuwa, R.T., Denhere, W., Tafirei, F., Zivanai, O., Muchingami, L., Mudavanhu, V. (2012). The impact of interest rates on foreign direct investment: a case study of the Zimbabwean economy (February 2009-June 2011). International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 1(5), 1-24.
5. Chingarande, A. (2012). The relative effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policies on economic activity in Zimbabwe (1981:4-1998:3) “An error correction approach”. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 1(5), 1-35.
6. Chipaike, R. (2012). The Libya Crisis: The militarisation of the new scramble and more. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(8), 43-48.
7. Chivheya R. X Edziwa (2012). Agriculture Teacher Education in Zimbabwe. Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies (JETERAPS) 3 (4). 495-500
8. Gadzirayi, C.T., Masamha, B., Mupangwa, J.F., Washaya, S. (2012). Performance of broiler chickens fed on mature Moringa oleifera leaf meal as a protein supplement to soyabean meal. International Journal of Poultry Science, 11(1), 5-10.
9. Jinga, P., Munosiyei, P., Bobo, E.D., Tambura, L. (2012). Seasonality of parasitism in free range chickens from a selected ward of a rural district in Zimbabwe. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 7(25), 3626-3631.
10. Kundhlande, A., Nyakudya, I.W., Katsvanga, C.A.T., Wuta, M., Jimu, L., Gotosa, J. (2012). Influence of Pinus patula (Schltdl.&Cham.) Plantations on Dolerite soil properties in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe: Case of Erin Forest Estate. International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, 7(1), 9-24.
11. Mabvurira, V., Masuka, T., Banda, R.G., Frank, R. (2012). A situational analysis of former commercial farm workers in Zimbabwe, A decade after the Jambanja. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences, 3(3), 221-228.
12. Mabvurira, V. Motsi, P.D., Masuka, T. (2012). Chigondo, E.E. (2012). The “politics” of sexual identities in Zimbabwe: A Social Work perspective? International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(13), 218-223.
13. Mandumbu R, Twomlow S.J. , Jowah P, Mashingaidze N, Hove L and Karavina C.(2012). Weed seed bank response to tillage and residue management in semi-arid Zimbabwe. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection First Article, 1-12
14. Mandumba R, H. Tibugari, P. Jowah and C. Kavavina (2012). Farmer Knowledge, attitude and practice on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L) pest resistance management strategies in Zimbabwe. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection 1st Article,
15. Manyumwa, D. Baars, R., Kingma, K. (2012). Cassava and sweet potato production for HIV/AIDS affected smallholder farmers: a case study of Zvishavane District, Zimbabwe. Global Advanced Research Journal of Peace, Gender and Development Studies,1(1)12-19.
16. Motsi, P.D., Banda, R.G., Mabvurira, V. (2012). Traditional Practices and Uptake of Female Condoms in Zimbabwe. Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies, 3(3), 365-370.
17. Maseko, N., Manyani, O., Chiriseri, O., Tsekea, S., Mugogo, P.C., Chazuza, T., Mutengezanwa, M. (2012). An analysis of the impact of targeted government support on SMEs growth and development in Zimbabwe: A survey of Mashonaland Central Province. Journal of Research in International Business Management, 2(2), 51-59.
18. Mhishi, M., Bhukuvhani, C.E., Sana, A.F. (2012). Science Teacher Training Programme in Rural Schools: An ODL lesson from Zimbabwe. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 13(1), 108-122.
19. Mahamadi, C., Zambara, P. (2012). Adsorption of Cu(II) from aquatic systems using alginate-immobilized water hyacinth beads. European Journal of Scientific Research, 71(4), 581-589.
20. Manatsa, D., Mukwada, G. (2012). Rainfall mechanisms for the dominant rainfall mode
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21. Matavire, M. (2012). Interrogating the Zimbabwean traditional jurisprudence and the position of women in conflict resolution. A case of the Shona tribes in Muzarabani District. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(3), 218-221.
22. Matavire, M., Mukavhi, L., Sana, A.F. (2012). Homogenous grouping and mixed ability: a comparative approach on two rural secondary schools in Muzarabani District, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(2), 279-286.
23. Mandumbu, R., Karavina, C. (2012). Weed suppression and component crops response in maize/pumpkin intercropping systems in Zimbabwe. Journal of Agricultural Science, 4(7), 231-236.
24. Mhishi, M., Mandoga, E., Tunjera, N., Bhukuvhani, C. (2012). Assessment of the 2009 Zimbabwe Government’s decision to enroll pupils into form one using school-based assessment as an alternative public examinations.
25. Mzumara, M. (2012). An overview of Zimbabwe’s macroeconomic environment. International Journal of Economics and Research, v3i1, 33-69. Available online@www.ijeronline.com.
26. Mzumara, M. (2012). Botswana a mono-diamond economy or not? International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 1(5, 1-26.
27. Mzumara, M. (2012). Does Zambia conform to the economic theory of conflict and other theories explaining the causes of civil wars? International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 1(5), 1-20.
28. Musara, J.P., Chimvuramahwe, J., Borerwe, J. (2012). Adoption and efficiency of selected conservation farming technologies in Madziva communal area, Zimbabwe: A transcendental production function approach. Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences, 1(4), 27-38.
29. Nyakotyo, H., Muchuweni, E., Munjeri, K., Magama, M.T., Mapurazi, S., Ndlovu, S., Basira, K. (2012). An energy saving potential analysis in a residential building in Cape Town South Africa with emphasis on daylight solar radiation and thermal performance. International Journal of Physics and Applications, 4(1), 37-53.
30. Parwada, C., Gadzirayi, C., Karavina, C., Kubiku, F., Mandumbu, R., Madumbu, B.Z. (2012). Tagetes Minuta formulation effect sitophilus zeamais (weevils) control in stored maize grain. International Journal of Plant Research, (2(3), 65-68.
31. Sunzuma, G., Zezekwa, N., Bhukuvhani, C. (2012) An insight into the pedagogical approaches for a virtual open distance learning (VODL) programme at a selected university in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Social Science Tomorrow. 1(4), 1-10.
32. Sunzuma, G., Ndemo, Z., Zinyeka, G., Zezekwa, N. (2012). The challenges of implementing student-centred instruction in the teaching and learning of secondary school mathematics in a selected district in Zimbabwe. Internationa Journal of Current Research, 4(5), 145-155.
33. Sunzuma, G., Zezekwa, N., Bhukuvhani, C. (2012). Undergraduate students’ views on their learning of research methods and statistics (RMS) course: challenges and alternative strategies. International Journal of Social Science Tomorrow, 1(3), 1-9.
34. Togarepi, E., Mahamadi, C., Mangombe, A. (2012). Deflouridation of water using physic-chemically treated sand as a low-cost adsorbent: an equilibrium study. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 6(3), 176-181.
35. N. Lukwa, Makuwaza, A., Mutambu, S.L., Munosiyei, P. (2012). The residual effect of lambda-cyhalothrin, deltamethrin and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane in Zhombe, Kwekwe district, Zimbabwe. Journal of Entomological and Acarological Research, 44:e10, 46-49.
36. Masuka, T., Banda, R.G., Mabvurira, V., Frank, R. (2012). Preserving the future: social
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37. Nyakudya I.W, Jimu L, Muripira V and Chikuvire T.J (2012). A comparative analysis of yield performance of maize (Zea mays L.) under different tillage methods in Musana communal area, Zimbabwe. Journal of Agriculture Biotechnology and Sustainable Development Vol. 4(4), 45-49
38. Karavina C, Ronald Mandumbu (2012). Biofumigation for crop protection: potential for adoption in Zimbabwe. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences Vol. 14 (3)1996-2005
39. Karavina C, Ronald Mandumbu (2012). Phytoparasitic nematode management post-methyl bromide: Where to for Zimbabwe? Journal of Agriculture Technology 2012 Vol. 8(4) 1141-1160
40. Karavina C, Ronald Mandumbu (2012). Variety and Planting date effects on the incidence of bollworms and insects sucking pests of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L). Research Journal of Agriculture Sciences, May 2012 3(3): 607-610
41 N. Mafuse, C. T. Gadzirayi and V.T. Munyati. Contribution of Rural Communities in Supporting the Livelihood Strategies for Widows. Bulletin of Environment Pharmacology Life Science ; Volume (1) 22-28
42 Mzumara, A, Chingarande and R. Karambakuwa (2012). An analysis of Comparative Advantage and Intra-North America free trade agreement (NAFTA) Trade Performance. Journals of Sustainable Development Vol. 5 No. 11
43 M. Dhliwayo (2012). Towards sustainable broiler production – Does use of sorghum (sorghum bicolour) as an adjunct substitute of maize affect broiler performance? Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 13(8), 225-237
44 M. Dhliwayo and G Matondi (2012). Determination of amblyomma tick distribution in Murehwa District, Zimbabwe, post land reform. Livestock Research for Rural Development 24(7)
45 V. Munyati, J.P. Musara, G. Chagwiza, N. Mafuse, C. Parwada and J. Chimvuramahwe (2012). Trends in Profitability and Measure of Government Protection in Sorghum Production (Zimbabwe). Global Advanced Research Journal of Agriculture Science (ISSN:2315-5094) 1(7), 182-185
46 Muchanyereyi and R. M. Tindwa.(2012). Synthesis and Characterisation of A13+ and Cr3+ Carboxyethyl Phosphonates and a Study of Their Ion Exchange Properties. Physical Review and Research International 2(1), 22-35
47 P. Dzomba, E. Togarepi, C, Musekiwa and C.J. Chagwiza (2012). Improving oxidative stability of soya and sunflower oil using Temnocalyx obovatus extracts. African Journal of Biotechnology11(50), 11099-11103
48 P. Dzomba, N. Ngoroyemoto, L. Mutandwa and D. Shasha (2012). Phytochemical Screening and Biological Activities of Hypotrigona squamuligera Raw Honey. International Journal of Biochemistry Research and Review 2(3), 98-105
49 P. Dzomba, and N. Muchanyereyi (2012). Potential Antimicrobial Plant Extract Based Therapeutics from Temnocalyx obovatus Roots. European Journal of Medicinal Plants 2(3), 209-215.
50 P. Dzomba, S. Nyoni and N. Mudavanhu (2012). Heavy metal contamination risk through consumption of traditional food plants growing around Bindura town, Zimbabwe. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences 4 (5), 92-95
51 P. Dzomba, T. Chayamiti, S. Nyoni, P. Munosiyei and I. Gwizangwe (2012). Ferriprotoporphyrin IX- Combretum imberbe crude extracts interactions: Implication for malaria treatment. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 6(29),2205-2210
52 P. Dzomba E. Togarepi and C. Musekiwa (2012). Phytochemicals, antioxidant and antibacterial properties of a lichen species Cladonia digitata. African Journal of Biotechnology 11(31), 7995-7999.
53 P. Dzomba, E. Togarepi and C. Mahamdi (2012). In-vitro assessment of antioxidant potential and phenolic capacity of Temnocalyx obovatus leaves . African Journal of Biochemistry Research 6(8) 98-104.
54 E. Mandongo, T. Zenda and M. Mhishi (2012). Curriculum rebranding: analyzing the impact of emphasizing on teaching methodology as a way of improving teaching practice: a case of Mutare teachers’ college in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Current Research 4(08), 178-182.
55 R. Mandumbu, C. Karavina, H. Tibugari and P. Jowah (2012). Tackling diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (L) resistance: a review on the current research on vegetable integrated pest management in Zimbabwe. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection
56 E. Pedzisai, W. Chingombe, A. Manyani, T. Zinyandu, CAT Katsvanga, U. Chipunza, CH. Matarira, S. Mazorodze, C. Mudavanhu and TP. Chinyanganya. (2012) Addressing socio-economic challenges of science teacher training through virtual and open distance learning in Zimbabwe. Basic Research Journal of Education Research and Review ISSN 2315-6872 1(4), 60-74
57 E. Mwanza, B. Masamha, MM. Kuchenga and M. Mufisah (2012). Evaluation of haemoglobin levels in pregnant women in Zimbabwe. African Journal of Midwifery and women’s’ health, 6(3), 120-124
58 L. Muchabaiwa, D. Mazambani, L. Chigusiwa, S. Bindu, V. Mudavanhu(2012). Determinants of Maternal Healthcare Utilization in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Economics Sciences and Applied Research 5(2), 145-162
59 V. Mudavanhu, L. Muchabaiwa, L. Chigusiwa, S. Bindu, T. Mapfumo, R. Karambakuwa and A. Chingarande (2012). The role of women in reducing absolute poverty in rural Zimbabwe: a case study of Bindura District (2008-2011) International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research.
60 W. Denhere, F. Tafirei, O. Zivanai, L. Muchingami and A. Chingarande (2012). The quality of service delivery in Zimbabwean urban councils: a case study of Bindura municipality 2009-2012. European Journal of Business and Economics; 68-72.
61 RT Karambakuwa, T. Shonhiwa, L. Murombo, FN Mauchi, NR Gopo W. Denhere, F. Tafirei, A, Chingarande and V. Mudavanhu (2012). The impact of Zimbabwe tourism authority initiatives on tourist arrivals in Zimbabwe (2008- 2009). Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 13(6), 68-77
62 L. Muchabaiwa, A. Medina Lara, J. Kigozi, J. Amurwon, B. Nyanzi Wakaholi, R E Mujica Mota, AS Walker, R. Kasirye, F. Ssali, A. Reid, H. Grosskurth, AG Babiker, C. Kityo, E. Katabira, P. Munderi. P. Mugyenyi, J. Hakim, J. Darbyshire, D.M Gibb, CF Gilks. (2012) Cost effectiveness analysis of clinically driven versus routine laboratory monitoring of antiretroviral therapy in Uganda and Zimbabwe. PLoS ONE I www.plosone.org
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64 P. Dzomba and M. Mupa (2012). Wild cucumis anguria leaves: phytochemical profile and antioxidant capacity. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine.1-5
65 P. Dzomba, T. Chayamiti, E. Togarepi (2012). Heavy metal content of selected raw medicinal plant materials. Implication for patient health. Bulletin of Environmental, Pharmacology and Life Sciences, 58-68
66 E. Togarepi, C. Mapiye, N. Muchanyereyi and P. Dzomba (2012). Optimisation of fermentation parameters for ethanol production from ziziphus Mauritian fruit pulp using saccharomyces cerevisiae. International Journal of Biochemistry Research and Review 2(2), 60-69
67 G. Nyamadzawo, J. Gotosa, J. Muvengwi, M. Wuta, J. Nyamangara, P Nyamagufata and J.L. Smith (2012). The Effects of Catena Position on Greenhouse Gas Emmissions from Dambo Located Termite (Odontotermes transvaalensis) Mounds from Central Zimbabwe. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences 2, 502-509
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71 J. Gotosa, K. Nezandonyi, A. Kanda, SM Mushiri, A. Kundhlande and T. Nyamugure (2012). Effects of irrigating eucalyptus gandis plantations with a mixture of domestic and pulp and paper mill effluent on soil quality at a site in northern Zimbabwe. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 13(5), 136-149
72 S. Mapurazi, J. Chitamba, M. Shamuyarira, F. Dube N. Mudada (2012). Evaluation of cotton waste, paper waste and jatropha cake fro culture of Pleurotus sajor-caju under different pasteurisation methods. International Journal of Agronomy and Agriculture Research, 1-6
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75 L. Jimu, N. Ngoreyemoto and L. Mujuru (2012). Structural diversity and regeneration of the endangered prunus Africana (Rosaceae) in Zimbabwe. African Journal of Ecology 1-8
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81 D. Makwerere, R. Chipaike (2012). China and the United States of America: A new scramble or a new cold war? International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2(17), 311-319.
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84 V. Mudavanhu, L. Muchabaiwa, L. Chigusiwa, S. Bindu, T. Mapfumo, R. Karambakuwa and A. Chingarande (2012). The role of women in reducing absolute poverty in rural Zimbabwe. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research 1(10), 22-44
85. C. Bhukuvahani, W. Munakandafa, V. Munodawafa, A. Zengeya and M. Mupa (2012). Addressing teaching practice quality assurance issues in open and distance learning science teacher training: A Case Study in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Social Science Tomorrow
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1. Bhukuvhani, C., Gudhlanga, E., Chirimuuta, C. (2012). Science education for sustainable livelihoods: community development through society-responsive science curriculum reforms. In; Sustainable peace and development at community level: beneficiaries are actors too. Southern Institute of Peace-Building and Development, 81-97.
2. Chingombe, W. (2012). Creating computer simulations to understand the effects of non-point source pollution on water quality in the Kuils-Eerste river catchment. Applications of ICTs for climate change adaptation in the water sector: Developing country experiences and emerging research priorities. Pages 109-110. ISBN: 978-92-95096-43-1.
3. Chipaike, R. (2012). Zimbabwe’s economic empowerment initiatives: A critical review. Sustainable peace and development at community level: beneficiaries are actors too. (20 pages)
1. Munosiyei, P. (2012). Regeneration of two Zimbabwean potato cultivars. Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-659-11434-2.
2. P. Dzomba(2012). Anaesthetic effects of Adenia gummifera extracts on Apis mellifera. Lambert Academic Publishing
3. V.P. Dudu (2012). Impact of climate change on coffee farming in Ethiopia. Stakeholders’ analysis – adaptation strategies to the impacts of climate change on coffee change on coffee farming in Ethiopia. Lambert Academic Publishing.
4. Manatsa D, A. Murwira, M. Masocha, I. Gwitira, M. D. Shekede, R. Mugandani (2012). Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment (Chapter four) pages 45 to 54. Zimbabwe National Communication for United Nations Convection for Climate Change (UNFCC) 2012. Government of Zimbabwe, Ministry of Environment, UNEP, UNDP, 142 pp