Dr Nicholas Zezekwa
Cell : +263 772 115 978 or +263 773 444 234 Email: nzezekwa04@yahoo.com or nizezekwa@gmail.com
Contact: 715 Popgum Road, Greenhill, Bindura, Zimbabwe. Or
Department of science and Mathematics Education. Bindura University Of Science Education
P. Bag 1020
Bindura. Zimbabwe
Cell: +263772115978 or +263773444234
Mail: nzezekwa04@yahoo.co.uk or nizezekwa@gmail.com
Office number: G06
Professional Qualification.
- Doctor of Education in DIDACTICS-UNISA (2017).
- Master of Science Education (physics)-University of Zimbabwe (2004).
- Bachelor of Science with education (double Majoring in Physics and Geography) – University of Zimbabwe (1999)
Working Experience.
- April 2019-Present: Chairperson- Department of Science and Mathematics Education – Bindura University of science education-Zimbabwe
- May 2005- March 2019: Lecturer Science Education. – Bindura University of science education-Zimbabwe.
- April 2004-April 2005-Teaching Assistant-Education Department-Bindura University Of Science Education.
- January 2000 –March 2004 (School teacher). Teaching Ordinary & Advanced levels physics and Geography at Chiredzi Christian College- Zimbabwe
Research Areas
- Pedagogical Content Knowledge. (PCK)
- Teacher Professional Development. (TPD)
- Physics Didactics. (PD)
- Nature of Science. (NOS)
(Journal Articles).
- Zezekwa, N (2006) .The impact of practical tests in developing practical work skills to ‘A’ Level physics students. Southern Africa Journal Of Education, Science and Technology. 1(1) 17-22.
- Zezekwa, N. and Mudavanhu,Y.(2008).Students’ Perceptions of Information Technology and Projections for the Future in Science Education. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, 20(2) 246-260
- Mudavanhu, Y and Zezekwa,N.(2009).Pre-service and in-service secondary science teachers’ perceptions of mentoring practices in Zimbabwe . African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(2) .64-80. ISSN: 18117295
- Bhukuvhani, C.E.; Zezekwa,N and Sunzuma ,G.(2011).Primary School Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the effectiveness of mentor supervision. The Dyke.Journal of The Midlands State University.5 (2), 124-144
5 .Bhukuvhani C.E., Zezekwa, N., and Sunzuma, G. (2011) Students’ preparedness to integrate Information and Communication Technology tools and resources for the learning of Organic Chemistry concepts in the District of Masvingo, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT, 7(2), 27-37.
- Zezekwa, N and Mudavanhu,Y.(2011).The effects of entry qualifications on students’ performance in University Science Courses: The Case Of Bindura University of Science Education. African Journal of Education and Technology, 1(3), 32-39.
- Zezekwa, N (2011).Students’ attitudes towards advanced level physics practical work.Journal of education, 1(2), 31-35. ISSN.2249-5517.
- Mudavanhu, Y and Zezekwa, N. (2012).Relationship between confidence and knowledge of the nature of science: Student teachers’ perspective in Zimbabwe. African Journal of Education and technology, 2(1), 15-20. ISSN: 2046-6935.
- Sunzuma.G, Zezekwa, N and Bhukuvhani.C. (2012).Undergraduate Students’ views on their learning of Research Methods and Statistics (RMS) course: Challenges and Alternative Strategies. International Journal of Social Science Tomorrow, 1(3), 1-8.ISSN:2277-6168
- Sunzuma.G, Zezekwa, N and Bhukuvhani.C. (2012).An insight into the pedagogical approaches for Virtual Open Distance Learning (VODL) Programme at a selected university in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Social Science Tomorrow, 1(4), 1-10.ISSN:2277-6168
11.Sunzuma,G;Ndemo,Z;Zinyeka,G and Zezekwa,N. (2012).The challenges of implementing student centered instruction in the teaching and learning of secondary school mathematics in a selected district in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Current Research, 4(5), 145-155. ISSN: 0975-833X.
12.Bhukuvhani,C;Nyoni,N;Mupa,M;Mhishi,M;Sunzuma,G;Zezekwa,N and Gwizangwe,I. (2013).Science and Technology Educators and Students’ conceptions of nanoscience and nanotechnology:A case study of three universities in Zimbabwe. Crown Research in Education 3(1), 22-26.
- Sunzuma, G; Zezekwa, N; Zinyeka, G and Chinyoka, M (2013).Incorporating Religious Mathematics in the teaching and learning of Formal Geometry: A case study of the apostolic church sector in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR).9(1)18-23 ISSN 2307-4531
- Sunzuma, G; Zivanai, J; Zezekwa, N; Bhukuvhani, C and Chinyoka, M (2013).The relationship between undergraduate science education students’ achievement in statistics and their prior secondary school mathematics achievement. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2(8), 316-319. ISSN 2277-8616
- Zezekwa, N and Sunzuma,G (2013).Tell me a story: Relevance, Science Pedagogy and the teaching profession. International Journal Of Development Research, 3(9), 9-12.ISSN 2230-9926
- Sunzuma, G; Masocha, M and Zezekwa, N (2013).Secondary school students’ attitudes towards their learning of Geometry: A Survey of Bindura Urban Secondary schools. Greener journal of educational research, 3(8), 402-410.ISSN 2276-7789
- Zezekwa, N; Mudau, A.V and Nkopodi,N (2013). A comparative study of South African and Zimbabwean Science teacher education programmes: Some theoretical reflections. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences.4 (13) 317-324. ISSN 2039-9340
- Sunzuma, G and Zezekwa, N (2016). Montessori Method of teaching: The key to learning and teaching of Mensuration of solid shapes: a case of a private school in Zimbabwe. Archives of current research international, 6(1), 1-5.ISSN 2454-7077
- Sunzuma, G and Zezekwa, N (2016).An exploration of integrating Information and communication technology into mathematics teacher education programme. Asian Research Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 5(1), 1-10.
20.Mudavanhu, Y and Zezekwa, N (2017).The views of nature of science expressed by in-service teachers who were learning history and philosophy of science. Journal of Educational and Social Research,7(3), 39-48 ISSN 2240-0524
- Sunzuma, G; Chando,C; Gwizangwe,I; Zezekwa,N and Zinyeka,G (2020).In-service Zimbabwean teachers’ views on the utility value of diagrams in the teaching and learning of geometry. International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education, 8(1), 1-18
- Zezekwa, N and Nkopodi, N(2020).Physics Teachers’ Views and Practices on the Assessment of Students’ practical Work Skills. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 16(8),em 1865 . https://doi.org/10.29333/ejmste/8289
- Sunzuma, G., Zezekwa, N., Gwizangwe, I., & Zinyeka, G. (2021). A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Ethnomathematics and Traditional Lecture Approaches in Teaching Consumer Arithmetic: Learners’ Achievement and Teachers’ Views. Pedagogical Research, 6(4), em0103. https://doi.org/10.29333/pr/112157.
- Mutsvangwa, A and Zezekwa, N. (2021). STEM education: A Ray of Hope for African Countries.Unnes Science Education Journal, 10(2), 79-89. http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/usej.v10i2.45746
25.Zezekwa, N;Munakandafa,W and Sunzuma, G .(2021). Variations in Science Mentors’ Assessment of Student Teachers during Teaching Practice. International Education and Culture studies 11(2), 1-13 ISSN 2766-6778
Conference Proceedings.
1.Mudavanhu,Y and Zezekwa,N(2008) Mentoring Pre-Service and In-service Secondary School Teachers.-Proceedings of the 16th annual conference of the Southern African Association For Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education(SAARMSTE),12-18 January 2008,Maseru,Lesotho.
- Zezekwa,N and Vhurumuku,E (2019).Initial science teacher education for sustainable development: A case study of Bindura University, Zimbabwe.A paper presented at the 13th European Science Education Research Association(ESERA) Conference from 26th-30th August in Bologna, Italy
Conference Papers.
- Zezekwa, N; Mudau, A and Nkopodi, N (2012). A comparative study of South African and Zimbabwean Science teacher education programmes: Some theoretical Reflections.
- A research paper presented at the SACHES conference- 30 October-01 November 2012.Port Elizabeth-South Africa.
- Zezekwa, N; Mudau, A and Nkopodi, N (2012). A comparative study of South African and Zimbabwean Science teacher education programmes: Some theoretical Reflections.
- A research paper presented at the SACHES conference- 30 October-01 November 2012.Port Elizabeth-South Africa.
- Zezekwa, N and Vhurumuku, E (2019). Initial science teacher education for sustainable development: A case study of Bindura University, Zimbabwe. A paper presented at the 13th European Science Education Research Association(ESERA) Conference from 26th-30th August in Bologna, Italy
- Zezekwa, N and Nkopodi, N (2019). Physics teachers’ views and practices on the assessment of Advanced Level Physics students’ practical work skills. A paper presented at the Southern Africa Comparative and History of Education Society Conference held from 29-31 October 2019 at Roof of Africa Hotel Conference Centre, Windhoek Namibia.
Other Conferences, Workshops and Seminars attendance and presentation
- 1st National science and mathematics teachers’ conference held at Bindura University of Science Education, Zimbabwe from 5 to 7 September 2012
- 2nd National science and Mathematics conference held at Bindura University of Science Education, Zimbabwe from 20-22 August 2014
- Science & Mathematics Teaching Practice Mentoring workshop, Bulawayo Province, 17 October 2014.
- Assessment and Supervision of Teaching Practice: Workshop for Part time Assessors, Bindura University of Science Education, 2016.
- Assessment and Supervision of Teaching Practice: Workshop for Part time Assessors, Bindura University of Science Education, 2018.
- Mentoring workshops for the 21st Century Science Educator for Science Teachers in Mashonaland Central Province held at: Mushumbi High School, 19-20 April 2011, St Albert’s High School, 26-27 April 2011. Chindunduma High Sch, 29-30 April 2011.
- STEM teacher trainer workshop for colleges and universities in Zimbabwe on Re-imagining and Re-thinking STEM Instructional Strategies in the Digital Era sponsored by UNESCO). Bindura University (FSE) – 28 October-01November 2019.
- Workshop on teacher professional development as an ongoing process. Bindura University (FSE) 24 September 2019.
- Research Workshop. Bindura University (FSE). 15 November 2019
Membership of Editorial Boards of refereed Journals:
- Journal of Education-Bio Info Publications
- International Journal of Education and development using ICT
- African Journal of Educational Research (AJER)
- International Journal for Academics in Research (ISFAR)
Reviewer of manuscripts in accredited journals as detailed below:
Name of journal/organisation |
Number of articles reviewed |
International Journal of Education and development using ICT |
17 |
Critical education (journal of the university of British Columbia)
2 |
Research Council of Zimbabwe |
31 |
African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education |
2 |
External Examiner.
- University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa), Faculty of humanities: education. (contact: hale.modau@wits.ac.za).
- Department of Science and Technology Education-UNISA
- Dissertation Supervision (Masters and Doctorate)
- Bhukuvhani Crispen (2007 MSCed- curriculum studies).An assessment of ICT integration in the teaching and learning of organic chemistry
- Makaya James (2017 MSced-Physics). The influence of attitudes on the enrolment of the girl child in physics at mixed schools.
- Mazambani Agnes (2018. Msced-Physics). Factors affecting adoption and integration of ICT as a pedagogical tool in physics at secondary school level.
- Tadu Faith Rutendo (2021.MSced-Physics). Advanced level Physics Teachers and learners’ preparedness to integrate social media platforms in teaching and learning
PhD Supervision (Current)
- Mazarire, R. Exploring physics teachers’ beliefs and practices in implementing the competency-based curriculum
PhD Assessment (Recently Marked)
- Tawanda, T. – The influence of indigenous knowledge on chemistry metacognition: A focus on pre-service science teachers in Zimbabwe
Community Engagement
- University senator. (2007-to date)
- University Proctor (2012-2018)
- Member of the University exhibitions committee
- Member of the University Extension Services committee (2010-2018)
- Member of the editorial board. Southern Africa Journal of Education, Science and Technology. (2006-2011)
- Faculty of science education regulations sub –committee member.
- Coordinator-Applied Science Education. (2005-2010)
- Research Projects Coordinator (2014-2017)
- Facilitator-Teaching and learning workshops.
- Faculty representative to the Faculty of Science and Engineering (2015-2019)
- Faculty planning committee member
- University Science Park Committee member
Seeding Labs’ 2020 Instrumental Access Program Grant in form of laboratory equip