Prof. Luke Jimu

Dr Luke Jimu


  • PhD. Forestry Science, University of Pretoria, SA (2015)
  • MSc. Agroforestry, BUSE (2008)
  • BSc. Forestry, BUSE (2005 )

Cell: +263 779 866 624
Email: or


Research interests

Prof. Jimu is a forest pathologist focusing on fungal diseases of commercially grown Eucalypts, Pines and Wattle. His work involves isolation of pathogens from symptomatic plant material followed by use of morphological characteristics and DNA based methods to identify the pathogens. The work also involves the use of high throughput techniques such as Illumina, to characterise fungal diversities in environmental samples from plant material. He is very much interested in working with Tetatosphaeriaceae and Mycosphaerellaceae. These groups include some of the most important pathogens of Eucalypts, for example, Teratosphaeria zuluensisTgauchensisTnubilosa. He is also looking forward to expand his focal areas to include diseases of native forest species, particularly those that are endangered, for example Prunus africana.

Other interests

He is fascinated by honeybees, including their behaviour, biology and products. As a result, he lead the Beekeeping Project. The project aims to capacitate communities with knowledge and skills required to start their own beekeeping projects for income generation. Through this project, his team has trained more than 200 stakeholders, including AGRITEX and Forestry Commission Extension officers and farmers. Furthermore, they also aim to be a commercial producer of honey and other products. For details, please refer to the Beekeeping website.

 Book Chapters

  1. Muvengwi, J.,Mbiba, M., Jimu, L., Mureva, A., &Dodzo, B. 2018. An assessment of the effectiveness of cut and ring barking as a method for control of invasive Acacia mearnsii in Nyanga National Park , Zimbabwe. Forest Ecology and Management, 427(May), 1–6.
  2. Jimu L, 2012. Gossypium herbaceum In: Brink, M. & Achigan-Dako, E.G. (Editors). Plant Resources of Tropical Africa 16. Fibres. PROTA Foundation, Wageningen,   Netherlands/ CTA, Wageningen, Netherlands. Pp 211–217.
  3. Jimu L, 2012. Julbernardia globiflora (Benth). Troupin. In: Brink, M. & Achigan- Dako, E.G. (Editors). Plant Resources of Tropical Africa 16. Fibres. PROTA   Foundation, Wageningen, Netherlands/ CTA, Wageningen, Netherlands. Pp 280–283.
  4. Jimu L, 2012. Raphia farinifera (Gaertn.) Hyl. In: Brink, M. & Achigan-Dako, G. (Editors). Plant Resources of Tropical Africa 16. Fibres. PROTA Foundation,    Wageningen, Netherlands/ CTA, Wageningen, Netherlands. Pp 386–389.
  5. Jimu L, 2012. Brachystegia tamarindoides (Benth). In: Lemmens, R.H.M.J., Louppe, D.      & Oteng-Amaoko, A.A. (Editors). Plant Resources of Tropical Africa 7 (2). Timbers          2 PROTA Foundation, Wageningen, Netherlands/ CTA, Wageningen, Pp 158–161.
  6. Jimu L, 2012. Macaranga capensis (Baill) Benth. ex Sim. In: Lemmens, R.H.M.J., Louppe, D. & Oteng-Amaoko, A.A. (Editors). Plant Resources of Tropical     Africa 7 (2). Timbers 2. PROTA Foundation, Wageningen, Netherlands/ CTA, Wageningen, Netherlands. Pp 445–448.

Selected Journal Articles

  1. Jimu, L. & Mujuru, L. 2018. Pathogens and Pests Threatening Plantation Forestry in Zimbabwe. East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal. 1-10. DOI:10.1080/00128325.2018.1460786
  2. Jimu, L.; Muzhinji, M.; Magogo, C.; Mureva, A. 2018. Chrysoporthezambiensis detected on native Syzygium in Zimbabwe.Australasian Plant Disease Notes13(1)DOI10.1007/s13314-017-0285-y
  3. 4. Chimweta, M.; Nyakudya,I.W.; Jimu,L. 2018. Fertility status of cultivated floodplain soils in the Zambezi Valley, northern Zimbabwe. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 105: 147-153.
  4. Machua J, Jimu L, Njuguna J, Wingfield M.J, Mwenje E, Roux J, 2016. First report of Teratosphaeria gauchensis causing stem canker of Eucalyptus in Kenya. Forest Pathology         46: 168–170.   
  5. Jimu L, Chen S, Wingfield M.J, Mwenje E, Roux J, 2016. The Eucalyptus stem canker pathogen Teratosphaeria gauchensis represents distinct genetic groups in             Africa and South America. Forest Pathology doi:10.1111/efp.12249
  6. Jimu L, Chen S, Wingfield M.J, Mwenje E, Roux J, 2016. Three genetic groups of the Eucalyptus stem canker pathogen Teratosphaeria zuluensis introduced into Africa          from an unknown source. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 109: 21–
  7. Jimu L, Kemler M, Wingfield M.J, Mwenje E, Jolanda R, 2015. The Eucalyptus stem canker pathogen Teratosphaeria zuluensis detected in seed samples. Forestry      doi:10.1093/forestry/cpv037
  8. Jimu L, Wingfield M.J, Mwenje E, Roux J, 2015. Diseases of Eucalyptus species in Zimbabwean plantations and woodlots. Southern Forests 77: 221–230.
  9. Jimu L, Wingfield M.J, Mwenje, E, Roux J, 2014. First report of Teratosphaeria zuluensis causing stem canker of Eucalyptus grandis in Uganda. Forest Pathology 44: 242–245.
  10. Jimu L, Ngoroyemoto N and Mujuru L. 2012. Structural diversity and regeneration of the endangered Prunus africana (Rosaceae) in Zimbabwe. African Journal of Ecology 51:         102–110.
  11. Jimu L, Ngoroyemoto N, 2011. Habitat characteristics and threat factors of the rare and endangered Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman in Nyanga National Park, International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation 3: 230–236.
  12. Jimu L. 2011. Threats and conservation strategies of the African cherry (Prunus africana) in its natural range. Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment 3:         118–
  13. Katsvanga C.A.T, Jimu L, Mupangwa J.F, Zinner D, 2009. Susceptibility of pine stands to bark stripping by chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) in the eastern Highlands           of Zimbabwe. Current Zoology 55: 389
  14. Katsvanga C.A.T, Jimu L, Zinner D, Mupangwa J.F, 2009. Diet of pine plantation and non-plantation ranging baboon (Papio ursinus) groups with reference to bark    consumption in the eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe. Journal of Horticulture and   Forestry 1: 168
  15. Ngarivhume T, Dzomba P, Gwizangwe I, Zendera C.H, Katsvanga C.A.T, Jimu L, Moyo, M, Chagonda T, 2008. Anaesthetic effects of Adenia gummifera distillates on Apis         mellifera (Honeybee). Natural Products Research 22: 1370

 Selected Conference Proceedings

  1.  Jimu L. Chen S, Mwenje E, Wingfield MJ, Roux J. Three genetic groups amongst African isolates of the Eucalyptus stem canker pathogen Teratosphaeria zuluensis.       Oral presentation at the IUFRO Eucalypt Conference, 21-25 October 2015, Zhanjiang, China.
  2. Jimu L. Wingfield MJ, Mwenje E, Roux J. Diseases of Eucalyptus species in Zimbabwe. Poster presentation at the IUFRO Eucalypt Conference, 21-25 October 2015,   Zhanjiang, China.
  3. Jimu L, Kemler M, Wingfield MJ, Mwenje E, Roux J. 454 pyrosequencing reveals important Eucalyptus pathogens on seed and seed capsules. Oral presentation at the 24th IUFRO World Congress, 5-11 October 2014, Salt Lake, USA.
  4. Jimu L. Chen S, Mwenje E, Wingfield MJ, Roux J. Origin and distribution of the eucalypt stem canker pathogen Teratosphaeria zuluensis. Oral presentation at the 10th  International Congress of Plant Pathology, 25 to 30 August 2013, Beijing, China.
  5. Jimu L. Wingfield MJ, Mwenje E, Roux J. Fungal pathogens occurring in Eucalyptus plantations and woodlots in Zimbabwe. Poster presentation at the 10th International Congress of Plant Pathology, 25 to 30 August 2013, Beijing, China.
  6. Roux J. Jimu L and Wingfield MJ. Continuing spread of plantation pests and pathogens – is there a solution? Oral presentation at the IUFRO Latin America Regional Congress, June 2013, San Jose, Costa Rica.
  7. Jimu L, Wingfield MJ, Mwenje E and Wingfield MJ. Diseases of eucalypts in Zimbabwe, with particular reference to Teratosphaeria stem canker. Oral presentation         at the   TPCP annual meeting. May 2013. University of Pretoria, South Africa.
  8. Jimu L, Wingfield MJ, Mwenje E and Roux J. Diseases and pests of eucalypts in        Oral presentation at the Southern African Society of Plant Pathologists         Conference from 19-24 January 2013.Bela Bela. South Africa. 
  9. Jimu L, Ngoroyemoto N. Structural diversity and regeneration of the endangered Prunus africana (Rosaceae) in Zimbabwe. Oral presentation at the IUFRO-FORNESSA  Regional Congress & ITTO/AFF Forest Policy Day 25-29 June 2012. Nairobi, Kenya.
  10. Jimu L, Chen S, Wingfield M.J, Mwenje E, Roux, J. Teratosphaeria stem canker of eucalypts in Africa. Oral presentation at the IUFRO-FORNESSA Regional Congress     & ITTO/AFF Forest Policy Day 25-29 June 2012. Nairobi, Kenya.
  11. Jimu L, Chen S, Wingfield M.J, Mwenje E, Roux J. First report of Teratosphaeria stem canker in Zimbabwe. Oral presentation at the SAAB Conference 16-18 February   2012, University of Pretoria, South Africa.