Dr Cathrine Kazunga

Office G03, FSE Complex, Bindura University of Science Education, Bag 1020,

Bindura ckazunga@buse.ac.za
Cell: +263 (0) 773 413 167


  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Mathematics Education, the University of KwaZulu Natal, SA, 2018: Teaching and learning of Linear Algebra. .
  • Master of Education in Science (Mathematics), Bindura University of Science Education, 2011.
  • Bachelor of Education in Mathematics (HBScEd), Mathematics, Bindura University of Science Education, 2008.
  • Diploma in Education in Mathematics at Secondary school level, Hillside Teachers’, UZ, 1998.


  • Lecturer – 2017- to date (Bindura University of Science Education).
  • Part-time lecturing and tutoring – 2016-2017 (University of KwaZulu Natal)
  • Teaching assistant and part- time lecturer – 2009-2013 (Bindura University of Science Education)
  • Secondary School Mathematics Teacher 1998-2009 (several school in Zimbabwe)


  • Teaching and learning of linear algebra
    STEM Education
  • ICT integration into Mathematics Teaching
    Curriculum Interpretation and Classroom Mathematucs
  • Research Matters


  • Kazunga C., Mutambara L. H. M., & Mpurisa J. (2011). A Carpentry Cutting Stock Problem: A Case Study for Planks Cutting in Zimbabwe. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 13(4). ISSN: 1520-5509
  • Kazunga C., Mapuweyi T. & Mapurisa J. (2014). Use of Logit and Exponential Modelling Techniques for Deforestation Trends of Mupfuti trees. Asian academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary 1(22). ISSN: 2319-2801
  • Kazunga, C & Bansilal, S (2018). Misconceptions about determinants. In S. Stewart, C. Andrews-Larson , A. Berman & M. Zandieh (eds.), Challenges and Strategies in teaching Linear Algebra pp. 127-145, Springer: Dordrecht
    https:// doi.org/ 10.1007/978-3-319-66811-6_6
    Kazunga, C & Bansilal, S (2017). Zimbabwean in-service mathematics teachers’ understanding of matrix operations. Journal of mathematical behavior, 47, 81–95 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmathb.2017.05.003
  • Kazunga, C & Bansilal, S (2016). Teachers’ Approaches to Proportional Relationship Problems in Multiple Measure Spaces, African Journal for Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 20(1): 1-14


  • Kazunga, C & Bansilal, S. (2015)Zimbabwean Pre-service teachers’ responses to matrix algebra assessment items, In T. Craig (Ed.), Proceedings of the Tenth Southern Hemisphere Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics, pp.91-109. Port Elizabeth: Delta
  • Kazunga, C & Bansilal,S. (2015). Undergraduate mathematics pre-service teachers’ understanding of matrix operations, In J.Naidoo & S. Bansilal (Eds.), Proceedings of The University of KwaZulu-Natal’s 9th Annual Teaching and Learning conference in Higher Education (TLHEC), pp.61-76, 21-23 September, Durban
  • Kazunga, C & Bansilal, S. (2015). Zimbabwean Pre-service teachers’ responses to matrix algebra assessment items, In T. Craig (Ed.), Proceedings of the Tenth Southern Hemisphere Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics, pp.91-109. Port Elizabeth: Delta
  • Kazunga C and Bansilal S. Teaching for the test or setting up students for failure 14th SAARMSTE Conference Proceedings 12-15 January 2016, Pretoria, South Africa.
  • Kazunga C and Bansilal S. An investigation for the effectiveness of a revision session: A case of a Linear Algebra class in a developing country, Organisation for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) 5th General Assembly and International Conference, 14-19 May 2016, Kuwait City.
  • Kazunga C and Bansilal S. The challenges of upgrading mathematics teachers: A case study from one developing country 13th International Congress on Mathematics Education, 24-31 July 2016, Hamburg, German.
  • Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics Science education and Technology (SAARMSTE) Research School, 23-26 June 2015, Heia Safari Lounge, Honey Dew, Johannesburg, South Africa.
  • Rasch model analysis workshop, 5-7 January 2018, University of Australia, Perth, West Australia.
  • Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics Science education and Technology (SAARMSTE) Research Clinic 15-16 January 2016, Pretoria, South Africa.
  • Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics Science education and Technology (SAARMSTE) Research School, 21-24 June 2016, Mpekweni Lounge, East London, South Africa.
  • Rasch model analysis workshop, 5-7 October 2016, Makaranga Lounge, Pinetown, South Africa.
  • Mastering the masters workshops done by UKZN at Westville Campus on Use of Endnote, Microsoft word, Microsoft excel and UKZN Database, academic writing, Qualitative data analysis methods, Quantitative Data Analysis Methods


  • Chakonda,, C. S. (2019) The modern teaching method and innovative instructional strategies to
  • Enhance understanding non-isometric geometrical transformations.
    Chimbunde, B. (2019), An analysis of learners’ errors when solving quadratic equations.
  • Taona, A. (2019). Demystifying stereotypes about gender differences in Mathematics performance. A case study at Mabelreign Girls High School.
  • Gwembe, O. (2019). An investigation on the efffectiveness of using Problem solving method in teaching circle geometry at “O” level at Kundayi SecondarySschool.


  • Orientation (2018-to date):- Bindura University of Science Education.
    COAC (2018 – to date):- Bindura University of Science Education.
    Research Ethics Committee (2019 ):- Bindura University of Science Education.
  • Safety Health Welfare and Awareness (2018 to date):- Bindura University of Science Education.
  • Vice Treasurer of Organisation of Women in Science for the Developing World Zimbabwe Chapter


  • Bindura University of Science Education best student and Vice Chancellor award (2008)
  • Organisation of Women in Science for the Developing World Postgraduate Training Fellowships for Women Scientists in Sub-Saharan Africa and Least Developed Countries (LDCs) at Centres of Excellence in the South in (2013).