Mrs. Tsitsi Sibanda (Gate)


  • M.Ed (UZ), B.Ed (ZOU) 
  • Cert, IAC, MDF – Netherlands
  • Cert, PPME – Wageningen – Netherlands
Business: +263 719 528 681
Personal: +263 772 932 567
Research Interests
  • Educational Leadership and Management
  • Training and Development
  • Quality Assurance
  • Organisational Development
  • Silas Mangwende1, Roseline T. Karambakuwa2, Fungai N. Mauchi3, Norah R. Gopo4, Tsitsi Gate5, Victoria Mudavanhu6, Gombarume Brian F7 (2010) Cross Cultural Investigation of Entrepreneurship Efficacy Beliefs of Rural and Urban Youth in Mashonaland Central Province, Zimbabwe Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa (Volume 13, No.3, 2011) ISSN: 1520-5509 Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, Pennsylvania
  • Roseline T. Karambakuwa, Tsitsi Gate, Ngonidzashe Karambakuwa & Silas Mangwende (2010) Establishment of Partnerships Between Supermarkets and Horticulture Irrigation Cooperatives in Mt Darwin, Zimbabwe: A Case Study of Dotito – Muchenje Irrigation Journal articles: Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa (Volume 12, No.7, 2010) ISSN: 1520-5509 Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, Pennsylvania


  • Tsitsi Gate, Roseline Karambakuwa and Gilliet Chigunwe (2009) Appropriate technology and Water: Institutions of higher learning’s role to find solutions for a thirsty planet; p.28 4th  International Conference of Appropriate Technology Proceedings, 24-27 November 2010, Accra, Ghana. ISBN 978-1-60725-560-4.
  • Gate Tsitsi and Chigunwe Gilliet, (2012) Enabling ICT Technology for Zimbabwean Schools: A Continuous effort by the Ministry of Education. Zimbabwe, Proceedings of the 5th  International Conference on Appropriate Technology, 20-24 November 2012, Republic of South Africa, Pretoria, pp 268-275, ISBN 978-160725-562-8
  • Chigunwe Gilliet and Gate Tsitsi, (2012) Knowledge and  Technology Transfer through Open and Distance Learning Mode, Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Appropriate Technology, 20-24 November 2012, Republic of South Africa, Pretoria, pp 171-178, ISBN 978-160725-562-8


  • Gate, T. (2009 )Women And Technology In Zimbabwe: Continuing Professional Training And Development; ICED, Maastricht, Netherlands
  • Chigunwe, G. and Gate, T. (2010). Quality Promotion through Training and Development in Zimbabwe. .DEASA Conference presentation on Open and Distance Learning. Lilongwe, Malawi. 17-19 September 2010.
  • Chigunwe, G; Karambakuwa, R and Gate, T. (2010) Reaching Out to the Unreached: A Continuous Effort to Improve the Teachers’ Teaching Quality in Zimbabwe. Presenter at BOCODOL Conference presentation. Gaborone, Botswana.8-9 December, 2010.
  • Karambakuwa, R, Chigunwe, G and Gate, T. (2010) Presenter at the BOCODOL- Reaching Out to the Unreached: A Continuous Effort to Improve the Teachers’ Teaching Quality in Zimbabwe. Gaborone, Botswana-(8-9 December, 2010).
  • Tsitsi Gate, (2017). The magnitude of ICT adoption in institutions of higher learning.  International Conference on Advanced Trends in ICT and Management (ICAITM), 15 – 16 December 2017, Centennial Pavilion, Monrovia, Liberia,  ID ICAITM0083


  • 2009: NUFFIC fellowship for participating in short course on International Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation, Wageningen, Netherlands
  • 2010: NUFFIC fellowship for participating in short course on International Advisory Course, MDF, Netherlands and Accra.
  • 2013: NUFFIC fellowship for participating in short course on International Advisory Course, MDF, Accra, Ghana.