This is a four-year degree programme where students are expected to go on attachment during their third year of study.
Features of the Degree Programme
The Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Computer Science equips graduates with a strong foundation of study in Computer Science that includes Networking, Software engineering and Programming all concerned with the practicalities and technicalities of developing and delivering software. The four year course aims to prepare graduates to be scientific “Self Reliant” and Scientific Competitive” which is a hybrid of inward looking and global approach. Graduates are well trained to have the requisite theoretical, technical and practical knowledge and enjoy a highly versatile course of study that prepares them ultimately for a number of high technology and entrepreneurship careers in the field of Computer Science. Their skills include Networking, Software Engineering and Project Management, Object-Oriented Programming, Data Structures, Databases, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Computer Security and Management of Information systems. The programme is accredited with the Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education (ZIMCHE).
Entry Requirements:
All applicants have to meet the following minimum requirements for admission prescribed under the general regulations (i.e.):
- Have obtained at least five Ordinary Level subject passes including English Language and Mathematics passed with a grade C or better
- Passes in A’ Level Mathematics and or Physics and any one of the following A’ Level subjects (Accounting, Economics, Computing, Biology, Chemistry and any other relevant science subject)
- Candidates without A” Levels but are holders of the HEXCO National Diploma in Computer Studies or Information Technology or its equivalent and have relevant experience, may be considered.
Structure of the Programme
Part I
CS101 Introduction to Computer Science
CS102 Introduction to Computer Programming
CS103 Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science
MT101 Linear Mathematics I
MT102 Calculus I
PH107 Physics for Computer Science
HS101 HIV/AIDS Education
PC103 Communication Skills
CS111 Operating System Concepts
CS112 Object Oriented Programming I
CS113 Computer Architecture
CS114 Introduction to Linux
CS115 Systems Analysis and Design
MT111 Calculus II
PH206 Electronics I
PC103 Communication Skills
CS201 Database Concepts
CS202 Management Information Systems
CS203 Object Oriented Programming II
CS204 Microprocessors
CS206 Research Methodology
PC108 Citizenship Education and Conflict Transformation
CS211 Theory of Programming Languages
CS212 Data Communications and Networking
CS213 Data Structures and Algorithms
CS214 Internet and Web Designing
CS215 Theory of Computation
CS216 Software Engineering
CS217 Software Design Methodology
CS300 Industrial Attachment
Part IV
CS401 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
CS402 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
CS403 Simulation and Modelling
CS404 Software Project Management
CS405 Digital Signal Processing
CS406 Embedded Systems
CS407 Expert and Decision Support Systems
CS411 Computer Graphics
CS412 Computer Security
CS413 Advanced Database Designs and Management
CS414 Research Project
CS415 Distributed Systems
CS416 E-Commerce
CS417 Compiling Systems Desig