To be eligible for admission, a candidate must:
- Have passed 5 ‘O’ Levels subjects including Science, English Language and Mathematics
- Have a pass in A Level Computer Science and any other A Level subject
Structure of the Programme
Part I
Code Narration
CS101 Introduction to Computer Science
CS102 Introduction to Comp. Programming
CS103 Mathematical Foundation of Comp. Science
MT100 Pre-Calculus
MT101 Calculus
MT102 Linear Mathematics
PH107 Physics for Computer Science
CS111 Operating System Concepts
CS112 Object Oriented Programming I
CS113 Computer Architecture
CS214 Internet and Web Designing
PH207 Electronics for Computer Science
HS101 HIV/AIDS Education
PC104 Citizenship Education
PC301 Curriculum Design, Implementation & Evaluation
PC102 Research Methods and Statistics
PC104 Citizenship Education
Part II
Code Narration
CS201 Database Concepts
CS202 Management Information Systems
CS203 Object Oriented Programming II
CS204 Microprocessors
CS211 Theory of Programming Languages
CS212 Data Communication and Networking
CS213 Data Structures and Algorithms
CS216 Software Engineering
CS217 Advanced Web Designing
MT212 Numerical Methods
CS413 Advanced Databases
CS416 E-Commerce
PC203 Advanced Pedagogics
PC204 History & Philosophy of Science
AS204 Applied Science Education
HS101 HIV/AIDS Education
Part III
Code Narration
MT204 Operations Research
CS402 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
CS412 Computer Security
CS370 Project
Faculty of Science Education
- About the Faculty
- Department of Curriculum and Educational Management Studies
- Department of Educational Foundations
- Department of Educational Technology
- Department of Science and Mathematics Education
- Postgraduate Studies by Research
- Dean’s Honour List
- MOUs and partnerships
- Teacher Capacity Development Programme – Enrolled Candidates