The taught courses aid the students to understand the basic ecological principles in wildlife and rangeland management. Students learn the assessment of all the forms of wildlife, large and small, threatening processes affecting several taxa, as well as the laws governing the management of wildlife. During the attachment period, students conduct research in areas of their interest. This increases the students’ proficiency in selected areas and boosts their career opportunities. The major focus of the programme is to understand the intehttp://localhost/fs/administrator/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&layout=edit&id=157rface between humans and wildlife, with major highlights on the sustainable management of wildlife resources for the benefit of the people.
Career Prospects
The programme prepares students for careers within the civil service, the private sector, as well as an array of national and international non-governmental organisations. Job responsibilities include inter alia inventories and assessment of wildlife populations (both terrestrial and aquatic) and their habitats, habitat restoration and management, and environmental education for the sustainable management of wildlife.
Students who excel have a greater chance of continuing with their studies at Masters level, thus increasing their career opportunities.
Entry Requirements:
All applicants have to meet the following minimum requirements for admission prescribed under the general regulations (i.e.):
- Have obtained at least five Ordinary Level subject passes including English Language and Mathematics passed with a grade C or better
- At least 2 of the following ‘A’ level subjects: Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geography, Mathematics and Physics
Structure of the Programme
Part 1
Code Description
ES101 Principles and Processes of Ecosystems
ES102 Introductory Soil Science
ES103 Introduction to Plant Science
ESN101 Introduction to Wildlife Resources
ES105 Introduction to Pollution Science
ESN103 Introduction to Water Resources
ES107 Introduction to Atmospheric Science
CS101 Introduction to Computer Science
ES113 Introductory Statistics
ES110 Introductory Social Anthropology
AG101 Introductory Economics
ES112 General Chemistry 1
HS101 HIV/Aids Education
PC108 Citizenship Education & Conflict Transformation
Code Description
ES212 Research Methods
ES204 Land Evaluation
ES205 Natural Resources and Environmental Law
ES206 Environmental Systems and Computing
ES209 GIS and Remote Sensing
ES210 Environmental Management Systems
ESW201 Wildlife Development Biology
ESW202 Rangeland Resource Evaluation
ESW203 Ichthyology and Herpetology
ESW204 Ornithology and Mammalogy
ESW205 Humans and Wildlife
ESW207 Biochemistry
ESW208 Rangeland Ecology and Management
ES 360: Research Project
ES 362 Attachment
Part IV
Code Description
ES211 Environmental Impact Assessment
ES402 Curriculum Development
ES403 Organizational Behaviour
ES407 Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition
ES408 Land Reclamation and Revegetation
ES409 Fire Ecology
ES411 Environmental Policy
ESW401 Wildlife Ecology and Management
ESW402 Wildlife Pathology and Parasitology
ESW404 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
ESW405 Wildlife Study Techniques and Technologies
ESW406 Ecotourism
ESW407 Community Based Wildlife Management
ESW408 Range Animal Nutrition
ESW409 Fodder Flow Planning
Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
- About the Faculty
- Department of Natural Resources
- Environmental Science Department
- Crop Science Department
- Animal Science Department
- Department of Agriculture Economics, Education and Extension
- Research
- GBIF Zimbabwe
- Dean’s Honour List
- FAES Handbook
- FAES Conventional 1st Session Timetable Sept-Oct 2022
- FAES Staff Contact Details