Mr. T. Nyamugure – Chairperson
The SHEM UNIT programme is housed in the Department of Environmental Science at Astra Campus along Trojan Road where the Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Science is located. The Bachelor of Environmental Science Honours degree in Safety, Health and Environmental Management is four years fulltime programme tailor made to meet Safety, Health and Environmental Management needs of Zimbabwe, the SADC region and globally. It intends to equip students with both theoretical and practical skills that are relevant to Safety, Health and the Environment in various industries, institutions and organizations. With Safety, Health and Environmental Management issues becoming increasingly important, there is a growing demand for professionals with the requisite techniques to solve pertinent workplace, industrial and organizational challenges. This BES-SHEM Honours award produces such Safety, Health and Environmental Management practitioners, who can identify, assess and solve health, safety and environmental problems through the application of the principles of good management.
Vision, Mission and Values
The Safety Health and Environmental Management Unit’s vision is in line with the overarching vision of Bindura University of Science Education in seeking to be a hub of knowledge and beacon of excellence in teaching, research and extension services. Furthermore in line with the Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Science, we intend to provide our clients with the best research, teaching and learning environment, characterized by innovation and use of modern technology.
- SHEM graduates can be employed as safety and health officers, environmental managers, consultants, and researchers.
- Graduates can also be employed in NGOs, government and industry as environmental analysts and in the manufacturing and engineering sectors.
- Graduates can still further their studies undertaking Masters (MSc, MPhil) and PhD/DPhil studies in various environmental areas.
Undergraduate Programmes on Offer
- CIAT/SLU, Transformational climate-smart options for sustainable agriculture
- RUFORUM/MASTERCARD Community Action research Programme (CARP+) (2018-2022), Water harvesting for climate change adaptation.
- Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on Covid-19 in Bindura peri-urban
- Effects of Soil water retention technology (SWRT) and integrated nutrient management on GHG emission from sandy soils.
- Rainwater harvesting and nutrient intensification in maize-legume farming systems in semi-arid Zimbabwe.
- Propagation of and community knowledge, attitudes and practices towards medicinal plants.
- Investigating postural risk levels for musculoskeletal disorders among small scale miners
- Feasibility studies of converting organic waste into renewable energy using biogas technology
- Investigating the safety and health problems associated with the small-scale welding industries.
- Assessing particulate matter pollution from coal fired thermal power plants
- Waste management practices in urban areas
The department is involved with various stakeholders in areas such as Awareness Campaigns with Environmental Management Agency, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion with Bindura Municipality and Ministry of Health and Child Care. In conjunction with SHEMS Consultancy, the department offers various short courses and training in Safety, Health and Environmental Management issues.
The department of Environmental Science has a vibrant research cluster conducting studies in various Safety Health and Environmental Management issues. It enjoys a cordial and healthy relationship with industry, business and local communities. Research initiatives in the department are meant to solve environmental and public health problems, occupational health and safety issues, waste management and pollution challenges and climate change among others.
The department has several linkages with various government ministries/departments, private companies, mining firms and consultancy firms. Our students benefit through industrial internships and job placements.
The department has an MOU with SHEMS Consultancy Private Limited.
Efforts to be a member to various professional institutions at departmental, individual or student level will be made.
- Mr. T. Nyamugure – Chairperson
- Dr. V. P. Dudu – Lecturer
- Dr L Mabhungu (Nee Mapfaire) – Lecturer
- Mr. P. Nhokovedzo – Lecturer
- Mr. A. Kanda – Senior Lecturer
- Ms Patience Siinda – Departmental Secretary
- Mr. M. Richakara: Technician
Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
- About the Faculty
- Department of Natural Resources
- Environmental Science Department
- Crop Science Department
- Animal Science Department
- Department of Agriculture Economics, Education and Extension
- Research
- GBIF Zimbabwe
- Dean’s Honour List
- FAES Handbook
- FAES Conventional 1st Session Timetable Sept-Oct 2022
- FAES Staff Contact Details