GBIF Zimbabwe

About GBIF Zimbabwe
GBIF Zimbabwe is a multi-stakeholder biodiversity network supported by government through the Ministry of Environment, Tourism and Hospitality Industry. It consists of various data holding organisations and data users among them colleges and universities and government and non-governmental organisations. The network has technocrats that include Botanists, Entomologists, Environmentalists, Biometricians and Zoologists. Luke Jimu, a Senior Lecturer at Bindura University of Science Education, is the current Node Manager and Mr. Beavan Ngoshi, an Environment Officer in the Ministry of Environment, Tourism and Hospitality Industry, is the Node Coordinator.

We are currently located at Bindura University of Science Education (BUSE).

GBIF Zimbabwe
Bindura University of Science Education
Off Trojan Road, P. Bag 1020
Bindura, Zimbabwe
General E-mail address:
Follow us on Twitter: @GBIFZ

Dr Luke Jimu

Luke Jimu
Node manager

Dr Lizzie Mujuru

Lizzie Mujuru
Head of Delegation

Beavan Ngoshi
Additional Delegate

Share your data GBIFZ
Currently, Zimbabwe has over 330000 occurrence data freely accessible on the gbif website. The data were contributed by 186 publishers of which only two are from Zimbabwe ( Zimbabwe therefore presents an opportunity for various data holding institutions and people to openly share data in line with the GBIF Network’s aim which is to ‘provide anyone, anywhere, open access to data about all types of life on Earth’. Each participating organization or individual decides which data and detail to share and maintains and manages its own database(s). Sharing data contributes to the global understanding of biodiversity for various reasons that include conservation, research and policy.

Participating Institutions
Bindura University of Science Education
National Herbarium and Botanic Gardens
Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe
Forestry Commission
Biotechnology Institute of Zimbabwe
National University of Science and Technology
Matobo National Parks

Current and Past BID Projects
Regional Project
African Insect Atlas (BID-AF2015-0134-REG)
National Projects
Mobilization of data on non-timber forest species in biodiversity hotspots of Zimbabwe (BID-AF2017-0237-NAC)
Digitizing the Matobo Hills Arachnid collections at the Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe ( BID-AF2017-0050-SMA)
Freshwater biodiversity of the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe: Assessing conservation priorities using primary species occurrence data (BID-AF2017-0023-SMA)
Mobilizing specimen data on bats and rodents from Zimbabwe (BID-AF2017-0052-SMA)
Providing access to the zoology collection of the Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe (BID-AF2015-0117-SMA)